The New Engineering Game
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The New Engineering Game

Strategies for Smart Product Engineering

About the Book

Organizations face an increasing complex and dynamic environment on the market. The Internet of Things and in particular the industrial internet respectively Industry 4.0 change the rules.

The development of systems requires a new kind of engineering and thinking. Companies that are capable of adapting themselves to the frequent and partially disruptive changes in the complex and dynamic markets will be successful in the future.

The book closes the gap between high-level reflections about digitalization and daily engineering methods and tools.

After an introduction and motivation of the theme, the book describes the first three industrial revolutions and their consequences and concludes with the predicted fourth industrial revolution. In light of the fourth industrial revolution, the second chapter explains the need for a new kind of engineering. The third chapter provides valuable principles, patterns, methods, and tools for engineering organizations to be successful on the playfield of the age of digitalization.

About the Author

Tim Weilkiens
Tim Weilkiens

Tim is a member of the executive board of the German consulting company oose, an MBSE coach, and an active member of the OMG and INCOSE communities. He has written sections of the initial SysML specification and is a co-chair of the SysML v2 finalization task force.

As a coach, he has advised many companies in different domains. His insights into their challenges are one source of his experience that he shares.

Tim is a co-host of The MBSE Podcast.

All books written by Tim Weilkiens, including books not published by MBSE4U, can be found here.

You can contact him at and read his blog posts about MBSE in the MBSE4U blog.

Table of Contents

  • About MBSE4U
  • About Tim Weilkiens
  • History and Outlook
  • Preface
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The Industrial Revolutions
    • 2.1 The First Industrial Revolution
    • 2.2 The Second Industrial Revolution
    • 2.3 The Third Industrial Revolution
    • 2.4 The Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • 3. The Context of the New Engineering Game
    • 3.1 Globalization
    • 3.2 Complexity and Dynamic
    • 3.3 Conway’s Law
    • 3.4 Cyber-physical Systems
    • 3.5 Interdisciplinary Engineering
    • 3.6 The Resurrection of Craftsmanship
    • 3.7 New Work
    • 3.8 Gap of Slackness
    • 3.9 Project Heroes and Burnout
  • 4. Tools for the New Engineering Game
    • 4.1 Conway’s Turtles and Rabbits
    • 4.2 Cynefin Framework
    • 4.3 Business Model and Value Proposition Canvas
    • 4.4 Business Model Navigator
    • 4.5 Business Motivation Model
    • 4.6 Base Architecture
    • 4.7 Zigzag Pattern
    • 4.8 Design Thinking
    • 4.9 Complex Product Engineering
    • 4.10 Functional Architecture
    • 4.11 Model-Based Engineering (MBE)
    • 4.12 REThink 4.0
    • 4.13 Agile and Lean Systems Engineering
  • Bibliography
    • Image references
  • Index
  • Notes

About the Publisher

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MBSE4U aims to provide knowledge, practice, and more about MBSE. It offers publications about MBSE methodologies and methods such as SYSMOD, VAMOS, FAS, and MBSE Craftsmanship.

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