MySQL Explained (The Book + Supplemental Files)
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MySQL Explained

Your step-by-step guide to database design

About the Book

MySQL Explained is a step-by-step tutorial for everyone who's ready to learn about the database software most commonly used for storing information behind some of today's most popular websites and online applications.

Written especially for people outside the I.T. world, MySQL Explained provides the background information you need to get familiar with database theory and the principles behind organizing data. This book starts from the ground up, helping the reader to understand the very definition of a database, the forms it can take and the different options for storing information. By the end of this book, you'll understand the reasons for choosing MySQL, the options for installing it and the tools that it offers to store and safeguard your data.

If you are in any way involved in designing or managing a website or data solution of any kind, you owe it to yourself to understand the tools involved. Quality database management systems are essential in today's data-driven world and such essential tools should not be a mystery to those who depend on them. MySQL Explained can help you unravel the mystery and learn more about a technology that will be around for a long time to come.

MySQL Explained includes supplemental files including database diagrams and scripts which can also be downloaded from

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Andrew Comeau
Andrew Comeau

Andrew Comeau is a software consultant and programmer based in Ocala, Florida. Since the 1990s, he has focused on database and application design with a variety of software including MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server. In addition to development projects, he enjoys writing and shares his technical experience through his website at, his previous books including "MySQL Explained" and presentations to local groups.

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Table of Contents


(Supplemental files are included with purchase and can also be downloaded from

Chapter I: Databases - In Theory and Everyday Life
  • What is a Database?
  • Everyday Database Examples
  • Types of Databases
  • Text files - Data Exchange and Basic Storage
  • Mobile Databases - Smartphones, Tablets and the Web
  • Desktop Database Software - Local Analysis
  • Server Databases - Organizational Data and Enterprise Applications
  • Cloud Databases - Outsourced Data Storage
  • Chapter Summary
  • For Further Study
  • Review Questions
  • Exercises
  • Terms to Remember
  • Links
Chapter II: Choosing and Installing MySQL
  • Why Choose MySQL?
  • Notable Features of MySQL
  • What is the GNU General Public License and Open Source?
  • Installing MySQL and Creating an AMP Environment
  • A Word on Virtual Machines
  • Installing MySQL on Linux
  • Installing MySQL on Windows
  • Additional Resources
  • For Further Study
  • Review Questions
  • Exercises
  • Terms to Remember
  • Links
Chapter III: Database Design - The First Steps
  • Creating a Model
  • Formal vs. Informal Data Modeling
  • Example Database - Job Search Plus
  • Data Concepts and Relationships
  • Filling in the Details
  • Defining the Tables
  • Chapter Summary
  • For Further Study
  • Review Questions
  • Exercises
  • Terms to Remember
Chapter IV - Database Normalization
  • From Design to Reality
  • Looking Back
  • The Normalization Process
  • First Normal Form (1NF)
  • Second Normal Form (2NF)
  • Third Normal Form (3NF)
  • Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF or 3.5NF)
  • Additional Reasons for Normalization
  • Application Specific Reasons
  • Data or Database?
  • Chapter Summary
  • For Further Study
  • Review Questions
  • Exercises
  • Terms to Remember
Chapter V - Servers and Databases
  • Building the Database
  • Accessing the Server
  • Creating Databases
  • Database Users and Security
  • For Further Study
  • Review Questions
  • Terms to Remember
Chapter VI - Tables and Indexes
  • Introduction
  • Storage Engines
  • Models and Schemas
  • MySQL Workbench
  • Getting Started
  • Executing Queries
  • Creating the Tables
  • Linking the Tables
  • Documenting the Database
  • Chapter Summary
  • For Further Study
  • Review Questions
  • Exercises
  • Terms to Remember
Chapter VII - Reading and Writing the Data
  • Structured Query Language
  • Beginning Examples
  • Adding Data to the System
  • Executing Commands
  • Trying This At Home
  • SQL Basics
  • Selecting Data
  • Inserting Data
  • Updating Data
  • Deleting Data
  • Chapter Summary
  • For Further Study
  • Review Questions
  • Exercises
  • Terms to Remember
Chapter VIII - Design Overview: Human Resources and Training Database
  • Introduction
  • Modeling the Data
  • Conceptual
  • Adding Details
  • First Normal Form (1NF)
  • Second Normal Form (2NF)
  • Many-to-Many Relationships
  • Third Normal Form (3NF) and Boyce-Codd (BCNF)
  • Design Notes
  • Expansions
  • Creating the Tables
  • Writing the SQL
  • Conclusion
  • For Further Study
  • Exercises
Chapter IX - Design Overview: Recipe Database
  • Introduction
  • Modeling the Data
  • Design Notes
  • Working Diagram
  • Writing the SQL
  • Populating the Tables
  • Basic Queries
  • Custom Searches
  • For Further Study
  • Exercises
Chapter X - User Interfaces
    • Beyond the Database
    • Website Design Tools
    • WordPress and other Content Management Systems
    • CiviCRM
    • Desktop Interfaces
    • Connecting to MySQL from the Desktop
    • OpenOffice / LibreOffice
    • Microsoft Access
    • Designing From Scratch
    • PHP
    • ASP.NET (C# / Visual Basic)
    • Java
    • Supplemental Languages
    • Chapter Summary
    • For Further Study
    • Review Questions
    • Terms to Remember

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