Mutation Testing
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Mutation Testing

Better Code by Making Bugs

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About the Author

Filip van Laenen
Filip van Laenen

Filip van Laenen has been a professional software developer at the Norwegian software company Computas since 1997. He started as a Java and Smalltalk developer, but over the course of the years held other roles in a large number of projects, both small and large, like tester, QA responsible, acting project leader, business analyst, architect and technical project leader. In his spare time he likes to experiment with code and new software development tools, and that's how he discovered mutation testing a couple of years ago. Since then, he has used it in some of his hobby projects, but also at work. He has held a number of presentations about mutation testing at software conferences.

Table of Contents

  • Work In Progress
    • Backlog
  • Foreword
  • Preface
    • How To Read This Book
    • Who Should Read This Book
  • Acknowledgements
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Basics of Mutation Testing
    • 2.1 Source Code and Unit Tests
    • 2.2 Mutations, Mutants and Mutators
    • 2.3 Killed and Surviving Mutants
    • 2.4 Equivalent Mutants
    • 2.5 Higher Order Mutations
  • 3. A Practical Example
  • 4. Does Mutation Testing Work?
  • 5. Relation to Other Testing Techniques
    • 5.1 Unit Tests
    • 5.2 Test Coverage
    • 5.3 Static Code Analysis
    • 5.4 Mutation Testing and the TDD Workflow
    • 5.5 Fuzz Testing
  • 6. History of Mutation Testing
  • 7. Mutation Testing Techniques
  • 8. How to Use Mutation Testing
    • 8.1 Daily Use for a Developer
    • 8.2 Daily Use in a Project
    • 8.3 Daily Use for a Tester
    • 8.4 Introducing Mutation Testing into a Project
  • 9. Mutators
    • 9.1 Comparison Boundary Mutators
      • 9.1.1 Greater-than into Greater-than-or-equal-to Mutator
      • 9.1.2 Greater-than-or-equal-to into Greater-than Mutator
      • 9.1.3 Less-than into Less-than-or-equal-to Mutator
      • 9.1.4 Less-than-or-equal-to into Less-than Mutator
    • 9.2 Conditionals Negation Mutators
      • 9.2.1 Equal-to into not-equal-to
      • 9.2.2 Greater-than into less-than-or-equal-to
      • 9.2.3 Greater-than-or-equal-to into less-than
      • 9.2.4 Less-than into greater-than-or-equal-to
      • 9.2.5 Less-than-or-equal-to into greater-than
      • 9.2.6 Not-equal-to into equal
    • 9.3 Equality versus Identity Mutators
    • 9.4 Remove Conditionals Mutators
    • 9.5 Arithmetic Mutators
      • 9.5.1 Addition into subtraction
      • 9.5.2 Subtraction into addition
      • 9.5.3 Multiplication into division
      • 9.5.4 Division into multiplication
      • 9.5.5 Remainder into multiplication
      • 9.5.6 And into or
      • 9.5.7 Or into and
      • 9.5.8 Xor into and
      • 9.5.9 Bitwise-shift-left into bitwise-shift-right
      • 9.5.10 Bitwise-shift-right into bitwise-shift-left
      • 9.5.11 Unsigned-bitwise-shift-right into bitwise-shift-left
    • 9.6 Increments Mutators
      • 9.6.1 Increment into decrement
      • 9.6.2 Decrement into increment
    • 9.7 Invert Negatives Mutators
    • 9.8 Inline Constant Mutators
    • 9.9 Return Values Mutators
    • 9.10 Method Call Mutators
      • 9.10.1 Void Method Call Deletion
      • 9.10.2 Non-Void Method Call Deletion
      • 9.10.3 Constructor Call Deletion
      • 9.10.4 Naked Receiver Mutator
    • 9.11 Member Variable Mutators
    • 9.12 Switch Mutators
    • 9.13 Regular Expressions Mutators
    • 9.14 Concurrency Mutators
    • 9.15 Interface Mutators
      • 9.15.1 Interface Method Deletion
      • 9.15.2 Empty Class Method Deletion
      • 9.15.3 Method Visibility Reduction
      • 9.15.4 Attribute Visibility Reduction
      • 9.15.5 Class Visibility Reduction
      • 9.15.6 Empty Interface Deletion
      • 9.15.7 Empty Class Deletion
    • 9.16 Inheritance Mutators
      • 9.16.1 Class Extension Deletion
      • 9.16.2 Interface Implementation Deletion
      • 9.16.3 Interface Extension Deletion
  • 10. Tools
    • 10.1 Recommended Tools
    • 10.2 C
      • 10.2.1 Proteum
    • 10.3 C#
      • 10.3.1 Visual Mutator
      • 10.3.2 NinjaTurtles
      • 10.3.3 CREAM
      • 10.3.4 Nester
    • 10.4 C++
      • 10.4.1 PlexTest
    • 10.5 Fortran-77
      • 10.5.1 Mothra
    • 10.6 Go
      • 10.6.1 Go-mutesting
      • 10.6.2 Mutator
      • 10.6.3 Manbearpig
      • 10.6.4 Golang-mutation-testing
    • 10.7 Haskell
      • 10.7.1 MuCheck
    • 10.8 Java
      • 10.8.1 LittleDarwin
      • 10.8.2 Major
      • 10.8.3 Jumble
      • 10.8.4 µJava
      • 10.8.5 PIT
      • 10.8.6 Javalanche
      • 10.8.7 Simple Jester
      • 10.8.8 Jester
      • 10.8.9 Mutator
    • 10.9 Javascript
      • 10.9.1 Stryker
      • 10.9.2 Mutagen
      • 10.9.3 Grunt-mutation-testing
      • 10.9.4 Mutandis
      • 10.9.5 AjaxMutator
    • 10.10 Perl
      • 10.10.1 Devel::Mutator
    • 10.11 PHP
      • 10.11.1 Humbug
      • 10.11.2 MutaTesting
    • 10.12 Python
      • 10.12.1 Cosmic Ray
      • 10.12.2 MutPy
      • 10.12.3 Elcap
      • 10.12.4 PyMuTester
      • 10.12.5 Pester
    • 10.13 Ruby
      • 10.13.1 Mutiny
      • 10.13.2 Mutant
      • 10.13.3 Heckle
      • 10.13.4 Boo_hiss
    • 10.14 Smalltalk
      • 10.14.1 SMutant
      • 10.14.2 MuTalk
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Photo Credits
  • Index
    • M
    • P
    • R
    • S
    • U
    • V

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