Multitenancy with Rails


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Multitenancy with Rails

And subscriptions too!

About the Book

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This book will teach you super neat tricks about Rails and PostgreSQL while you build a multi-tenanted Ruby on Rails application.

What's a multi-tenanted application? Think of applications like GitHub, where each user or organisation can have their own separate area within the application. Or how about Heroku where each user has their own separate app group. Those are multi-tenanted applications.

In this book we'll be building a multi-tenanted forum application using some seriously good best practices, working with tools and processes like Behaviour-Driven Development, and PostgreSQL schemas. I'll also cover the normal methodology of scoping using foreign keys in a table. That's just the first four chapters.

In the 5th and final chapter, the book covers adding subscriptions to an application using the Braintree gateway. A subscription system is typically tough to get right, but with Braintree it's a breeze. This book will show you how.

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  • Categories

    • Software
    • Ruby on Rails
    • Software Architecture

About the Author

Ryan Bigg
Ryan Bigg

Ryan has been writing books and documentation for programming languages for over a decade. These books have sold over 20,000 copies worldwide.

Ryan lives in the lovely coastal town of Warrnambool, Australia.

Table of Contents

    • Acknowledgements
  • 1. A Grand Overview
    • 1.1 Multitenancy
    • 1.2 Software as a Service
    • 1.3 The multi-tenant blog application idea
    • 1.4 Summary
  • 2. Laying the foundations
    • 2.1 Building an engine
    • 2.2 Setting up a testing environment
    • 2.3 Writing the first feature
    • 2.4 Associating accounts with their owners
    • 2.5 Adding subdomain support
    • 2.6 Building subdomain authentication
    • 2.7 Handling user signup
    • 2.8 Summary
  • 3. Applying account scoping
    • 3.1 Scoping by a database field
    • 3.2 Using Postgres
    • 3.3 The PostgreSQL Caveat
    • 3.4 Scoping by a database field: redux
    • 3.5 Summary
  • 4. The blog application
    • 4.1 Setting up Blorgh
    • 4.2 Testing Subscribem Integration
    • 4.3 Testing user sign in
    • 4.4 Testing user sign up
    • 4.5 Testing Blorgh integration
    • 4.6 Summary
  • 5. Subscriptions
    • 5.1 Formulating plans
    • 5.2 Switching plans
    • 5.3 Subscribing with Braintree
    • 5.4 Updating Braintree Subscriptions
    • 5.5 Summary
  • 6. Account Restrictions
    • 6.1 Limiting forum creation
    • 6.2 Summary

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