More Secrets of Consulting
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More Secrets of Consulting

The Consultant's Tool-Kit

About the Book

More Secrets of Consulting is a sequel or extension to The Secrets of Consulting, but the two books may be read in either order. One reviewer said: "Just buy this book and improve your life. I add Mr. Weinberg to a short list of those authors and persons in my life that have made me a better person and provided some direction to the chaos of the universe."

Another reviewer said: The "Consultant's Tool Kit" of the subtitle is actually a complex metaphor. Each component of the toolkit is a metaphor for a certain aspect of your personality and personal capabilities. For example, the wishing wand is a metaphor for understanding, and being able to ask for, what you want from a professional relationship. The chapter around this metaphor first explores why most people either don't know what they want or are unable to express it, and suggests ways to make your wishes clearer. It places this in a professional context, contract negotiation, and emphasizes how the personal ability to express and value your wishes will help you negotiate more successfully.

In a similar way other chapters focus on developing wisdom and new knowledge, managing time and information, being courageous with your decisions, learning how to say yes and no, understanding why you and others are in the current situation, and keeping yourself in balance, avoiding burnout and other self-destructive conditions.

These are all important not only to consultants, but to anyone trying to establish a more satisfying professional or personal life by managing problems, by self-improvement and by better handling their relationships to other people.

Michael Larsen said, " More Secrets of Consulting" is a gem of a book, and remarkably quick reading.. Needless to say, a single read through will not impart all the wisdom and experience of this book, but there's much to ponder, and it's my hope I'll be able to put much of this in practice in my most recent venture. Perhaps a year from now, I'll be able to come back and see how well I did :).

Matthew D Edwards wrote: "Developing MORE of your soft and thinking skills. This builds on the first book in this series and is the same caliber, class and application value as the first. More insight from a consultant/leader/teacher with years of experience.

Randy Given said, "This book is much better than the original 'Secrets of Consulting.' The original was released quite a while ago, and you can tell that the author has learned a lot in the meantime, and is better at presenting it. I would have given the original three stars, maybe four. This book I give five stars. Some of my bias may be that this book is more at the level of my current software consulting experience. Some of the topics (e.g., burnout) are sorely needed right now! It is good to see good books at good prices again. If you are a consultant, at least give this title a try.

Charles Ashbacher said, "If you were to buy this book and the previous one, 'Secrets of Consulting,' and read them, then your next step should be to place one in each of your hip pockets. For that is the only part of being a consultant not covered in these books. Wrapped in the guise of folk wisdom, the advice given here could and should be part of a business degree. For, no matter what the circumstances and the size of the companies represented on both sides, a business deal still reduces down to individuals who trust each other enough to 'like' each other in the business sense.

In many ways, you are being paid to tell your customers when they are not right and to do anything other than that is a moral breach of your contract. Weinberg spends a great deal of time in explaining how to deal with this critical situation and that advice hits the dime-sized target.

No one writes business advice better than Weinberg. If he ever decides to give up writing about business, he could make a career out of writing personal self-help books. It will be on my top ten books of the year list.

About the Author

Gerald M. Weinberg
Gerald M. Weinberg

I've always been interested in helping smart people be happy and productive. To that end, I've published books on human behavior, including Weinberg on Writing: The Fieldstone Method, The Psychology of Computer Programming, Perfect Software and Other Fallacies, and an Introduction to General Systems Thinking. I've also written books on leadership including Becoming a Technical Leader, The Secrets of Consulting (Foreword by Virginia Satir), More Secrets of Consulting, and the nine-volume Quality Software series.

I try to incorporate my knowledge of science, engineering, and human behavior into all of my writing and consulting work (with writers, hi-tech researchers, software engineers, and people whose life-situation could require the use of a service dog). I write novels about such people, including The Aremac Project, Aremac Power, Jigglers, First Stringers, Second Stringers, The Hands of God, Freshman Murders, Where There's a Will There's a Murder, Earth's Endless Effort, and Mistress of Molecules—all about how my brilliant protagonists produce quality work and learn to be happy. My books that are not yet on Leanpub may be found as eBooks at <>; on Amazon at; and at Barnes and Noble bookstore:

Early in my career, I was the architect for the Project Mercury's space tracking network and designer of the world's first multiprogrammed operating system. I won the Warnier Prize, the Stevens Award, and the first Software Testing Professionals' Luminary Award, all for my writing on software quality. I was also elected a charter member of the Computing Hall of Fame in San Diego and chosen for the University of Nebraska Hall of Fame.

But the "award" I'm most proud of is the book, The Gift of Time (Fiona Charles, ed.) written by my student and readers for my 75th birthday. Their stories make me feel that I've been at least partially successful at helping smart people be happy.

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Table of Contents

  • More Secrets of Consulting
  • Preface
  • Foreword
  • Chapter 1. Can I Beat the Law of Raspberry Jam?
    • The Law of Strawberry Jam
    • The Law of Grape Jelly
    • The Lump Law
    • Satir’s Self-Esteem Tool Kit
  • Chapter 2. The Wisdom Box
    • Redding’s Reading Rule
    • Cary’s Crap Caution
    • Freeble’s Feeling Filter
    • Is It Wisdom or Is It Memory?
    • Wisdom Box Mistakes
    • Limit Your Rationality
    • Beware of Rationalizations
    • Eschew False Reasoning
    • Know Your Limits
    • Check Your Wisdom Box Periodically
  • Chapter 3. The Golden Key
    • Nosy But Nice
    • Polanski’s Pointer
    • The Golden Lock
    • Lock Language
    • Lullaby Language
    • Should
    • Just
    • Soon
    • Very
    • Constant Comments
  • Chapter 4. The Courage Stick
    • The Coward’s Credo
    • How To Use Your Courage Stick
    • The Fraidycat Formula
    • Discussing the Indiscussible
    • Not Giving Answers People Want To Hear
    • Not Always Going By The Book
    • Dealing with Impossible Demands
    • The Courage to Examine Yourself
  • Chapter 5. The Wishing Wand
    • What Does Anyone Want?
    • What the Wishing Wand Can Do For You
    • The Dismal Theorems of Contract Negotiation
    • The Happy Theorem
    • How Long Should My Contract Be?
  • Chapter 6. The Detective Hat (and Magnifying Glass)
    • The Magnifying Glass Example: The Blizzard of ‘69
    • Avoiding Data Biases
    • The Railroad Paradox
    • The Railroad Counter-Paradox
    • The Housewife Assumption
    • Selection Biases in Observation
    • Triangulation Bias
    • The Law of the Hammer
    • Fantasy Bias
    • Crisis Bias
    • Building Your Detective Network
    • The Detective Hat Example: Getting Some Good Out Of Bad Interviewing
    • The Detective’s First Rule
    • The Detective’s Second Rule
    • The Nedlog Rule
    • The Detective’s Third Rule
    • The Detective’s Fourth Rule
    • The Calming Effect of Wearing a Hat
    • The Detective’s Fifth Rule
  • Chapter 7. The Yes/No Medallion
    • The Chapter from Hell
    • Satir’s Soft Spurn
    • Gordon’s Law Of First Consulting
    • Saying Simple Yea and Nay
    • Yes, No, and Survival Rules
    • Transforming a YES Rule
    • Transforming a NO Rule
    • The Stuck Medallion—Rule Conflicts
  • Chapter 8. The Heart
    • Heart Troubles
    • Heart Boomerangs
    • The Informed Heart and the As-If Technique
    • Mindless Conformity and the Parallel Paradox
    • Mercy Consulting
    • Magnificent Commitment
  • Chapter 9. The Mirror
    • Being a Mirror
    • Sweeny’s Teeny Weeny Signature Statute
    • The Helpful Model and Carl’s Constructive Corollary
    • Kenny’s Law of Auto Repair
    • Satir’s Three Universal Questions
    • How do I happen to be here?
    • How do I feel about being here?
    • What would I like to have happen?
    • Using the Big Picture of Yourself
  • Chapter 10. The Telescope
    • Which Other Person’s Big Picture?
    • Looking at Satir’s Questions through the Telescope
    • How do they happen to be here? (Past)
    • How do they feel about being here? (Present)
    • What would they like to have happen? (Future)
    • The Response Pattern
    • The Telescope Focusing List
  • Chapter 11. The Fish-Eye Lens
    • Isabelle’s Initial Indication
    • The Law of Unavoidably Messy Peculiarity
    • First Law of Good Consulting
    • Don’s Deviance Derivation
    • Separation (or Not) of Variables
    • The Background Blindfold
    • The Foreground Fantasy
    • The Five-Minute Rule
    • Satir’s Three Universal Questions
    • How did they get here?
    • How do they feel about being here?
    • What would they like to have happen?
    • The Fishy-Eye Lens
    • Right-Left Messages
    • The Crooked Channel Cleanser
  • Chapter 12. The Gyroscope
    • Life Balance and Congruence
    • Not a Place, but a Process
    • Perfect Poise Paradox
    • Internal Messages
    • The Parliament of Fears
    • The Body-Brain Behest
    • Parson’s Peculiarity Principle
    • Making Adjustments
    • Making Contact with the Other Person
    • Waiting for the Other Person to Respond
    • What Congruence Means to a Consultant
    • Challenges to Congruence
    • Win, Lose, or Learn
    • The Qualified-but-Quiet Quandary
    • Starr’s Surrogate Syndrome
    • Knaomi’s Knowledge Knockout
  • Chapter 13. The Egg, the Carabiner, and the Feather
    • The Golden Growth Key
    • The Carabiner
    • Creativity and Freedom from Fear
    • The Magic Double-Bind
    • Breaking the Bind
    • The Effective Use of Failure
    • The Feather
    • Felicity’s Feather Philosophy
  • Chapter 14. The Hourglass
    • Components of an Effective Hourglass
    • Jerry’s Iron Rule of Project Life
    • Quick and Neat
    • Conscious Experience
    • Starting Right: Leo’s To-Not-Do List
    • Stopping Right
  • Chapter 15. The Oxygen Mask
    • Why We Burn Out
    • The Dreaded “Shoulds”
    • Competence Can Lead to Burnout
    • Cultivating Chaos
    • Getting The Most Out Of Chaos
  • Epilogue. The Traveling Tool Kit
    • Elisabeth’s Story
    • Melissa’s Story
  • Summary of Laws, Rules and Principles of Consulting
  • About the Author
  • Other Books by Jerry Weinberg

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