Moon Sign
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Moon Sign

discover your true self

About the Book

The Moon Sign is one of the most important astrological characteristics, but only a few people know their Moon Sign. The book explains how to find out your Moon Sign and shows on many examples how it works in the lives of celebrities. The knowledge of your Moon Sign will help you to discover your hidden talents, to better understand people around you, and to live a healthier and happier life.

So what the Moon Sign is? You probably know your "star sign" which is defined from the date of birth - when reading a "horoscope" in a newspaper or a magazine, you select the one for your "star sign". In fact, “star sign” is just a marketing term introduced by newspapers and magazines, it doesn’t exist in real astrology. The astrological characteristic misnamed as “star sign” is actually the Sun Sign, i.e. the Sign of the Zodiac in which the Sun was situated at the moment of your birth.

Okay, so you already know your Sun Sign, but still, what is the Moon Sign? It's the Sign of the Zodiac through which the Moon was traveling at the moment when you were born. The Moon is somewhat underestimated in Western Astrology but it is considered to be the main celestial body in Hindu Astrology, with its uninterrupted, thousands years old tradition.

Once you discover your Moon Sign, you'll feel like you've recognised something important, essential about yourself. You'll better understand your strengths an weaknesses and, if you want to dive that deep, you might even discover why you have chosen to live this life.

These are just a few curious facts from the book:

* Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have pioneering Aries for their Moon Sign.

* Angelina Jolie and her father, Jon Voight, also share the same Moon Sign, and also Aries.

* Moon in Taurus gave the world some of the most popular authors including O. Henry, Alexandre Dumas, Ian Fleming and Hans Christian Andersen.

* Quite surprisingly, the Moon in Taurus also gave the world some of the prominent mystics: Edgar Cayce, Carlos Castaneda, Emanuel Swedenborg, Jane Roberts. Carl Gustav Jung was also born with the Moon in Taurus, and some people could say he was also a mystic.

* Gemini is the Moon Sign of the many of the prominent world's leaders including Simon Bolivar, Catherine the Great, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Helmut Kohl. And you know what? Barack Obama is also in this company.

* Moon in Cancer gave birth to a whole presidential dynasty! Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt were all born with the Moon in Cancer.

* Here is another Moon Sign presidential connection: both George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush have diplomatic Libra for their Moon Sign.

* Some of the coolest movie heroes - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, George Clooney - were all born with the Moon in Capricorn.

In the book, you will find many more surprises and discoveries. It will also teach you:

* how to find out where the Moon is on the daily basis, and how to use that knowledge to make your life happier and more efficient;

* how to find a partner with whom you will live happily for many years;

* how to choose the safest day for a surgery,

* and many other things.

About the Author

Alexander Kolesnikov
Alexander Kolesnikov

Alexander is studying astrology since 1988. In the 1990s, he was an active member of the Russian astrological society, and he was teaching astrology and lecturing about astrology in many cities of Russia. He also studied Horary Astrology with The Company of Astrologers and Medieval Astrology with Robert Zoller. Alexander has written two books on astrology and one on numerology, all of them in Russian. Moon Sign is his first astrology book in English (he already has a couple of books in English but those are about programming).

Alexander has a substantial web presence. His main web projects are, and

Table of Contents

  • About the Moon Sign
    • What is the Sun Sign
    • You Are Not Your “Star Sign”!
    • As Above So Below
    • What is the Moon Sign
    • What’s the Difference Between the Sun Sign and the Moon Sign
    • How to Find Out Your Moon Sign
    • The Signs of the Zodiac
    • What Comes Next
  • The Moon in Aries
    • Hot Emotions
    • Plenty of Energy
    • Speed
    • Pioneers
    • Fighting Spirit
    • Moon in Aries in the Family
    • Recovering from Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Taurus
    • Exaltation
    • The Soul
    • Beauty
    • Voice
    • Storytelling
    • The Magic of Cooking
    • Money, Economy, and Politics
    • Moon in Taurus in the Family
    • Recovering from Stress
    • Health And Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Gemini
    • Changeable
    • Scientists, philosophers, intellectuals
    • Commerce
    • Quick
    • Always on the move
    • Charming
    • Musicians
    • Versatile
    • Humor
    • The Moon in Gemini in the Family
    • Recovering From Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Cancer
    • Mysterious
    • Fast and Unexpected
    • Deep
    • Scientists
    • Writers and poets
    • Musicians
    • Actors
    • Politicians
    • The Moon in Cancer in the Family
    • Recovering From Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Leo
    • Actors
    • Writers and Poets
    • Composers and Musicians
    • Scientists
    • Artists
    • Born Celebrities
    • World Leaders
    • Gamblers
    • Stars
    • The Moon in Leo in the Family
    • Recovering From Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Virgo
    • Attention to Detail
    • Writers
    • Arts and Crafts
    • Scientists
    • Actors and Actresses
    • Engineers and Inventors
    • Industrialists
    • Politicians
    • Adventurers
    • The Moon in Virgo in the Family
    • Recovering from Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Libra
    • Both Sides
    • Relationships
    • Scientists and Inventors
    • Actors and Actresses
    • Artists
    • Authors
    • Musicians, Singers and Dancers
    • Fashion
    • Other Creative People
    • The Moon in Libra in the Family
    • Recovering from a Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Scorpio
    • The Moon in Fall
    • Intense
    • Sexy
    • Extreme
    • Secrets
    • Actors and Directors
    • Scientists
    • Singers and Other Musicians
    • Authors
    • Power
    • The Moon in Scorpio in the Family
    • Recovering from a Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Sagittarius
    • Enthusiastic and Philosophical
    • Discoverers and Adventurers
    • Sports People
    • Actors
    • Authors
    • Musicians
    • Artists
    • Scientists and Philosophers
    • Outworldy
    • Spicing Up
    • The Moon in Sagittarius in the Family
    • Recovering From Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Capricorn
    • The Detriment
    • Old When Young, Young When Old
    • Traditional
    • Politicians and Career People
    • Engineers and Industrialists
    • Musicians
    • Scientists
    • Designers
    • The Moon in Capricorn in the Family
    • Recovering From a Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • Artists
    • Authors
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Aquarius
    • Rebels
    • Social Reformers
    • Scientists and Inventors
    • Authors
    • Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
    • Actors and Directors
    • Chefs
    • Aviators
    • Musicians
    • The Moon in Aquarius in the Family
    • Recovering From a Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon in Pisces
    • Politicians
    • Healers and Mystics
    • Movie People
    • Artists
    • Musicians, Dancers and Singers
    • Scientists
    • Authors
    • The Moon in Pisces in the Family
    • Recovering From a Stress
    • Health and Diet
    • A Surprise Moment
  • The Moon Sign Compatibility
    • Why the Moon Sign Compatibility is Very Important
    • A Note For Astrologers
    • Levels of Compatibility
    • The Same Moon Sign
    • The Moon Sign of One Partner is the Sun Sign of Another Partner
    • The Same Element
    • Friendly Elements
  • The Moon Sign and the Sun Sign - How They Work Together
    • The Moon and the Sun are in the Same Sign
    • The Moon is in the Second Sign From The Sun
    • The Moon is in the Third Sign From The Sun
    • The Moon is in the Fourth Sign From The Sun
    • The Moon is in the Fifth Sign From The Sun
    • The Moon is in the Sixth Sign From The Sun
    • The Moon is in the Seventh Sign From The Sun
    • The Moon is in the Eighth Sign From The Sun
    • The Moon is in the Ninth Sign From The Sun
    • The Moon is in the Tenth Sign From The Sun
    • The Moon is in the Eleventh Sign From The Sun
    • The Moon is in the Twelfth Sign From The Sun
    • More About the Natal Phase
  • The Moon Signs in Daily Life
    • When the Transiting Moon is in Your Own Moon Sign
    • How to Find Out the Transiting Moon’s Sign
    • The Universal Lunar Calendar at Lunarium
    • iLuna
    • The Transiting Moon in Aries
    • The Transiting Moon in Taurus
    • The Transiting Moon in Gemini
    • The Transiting Moon in Cancer
    • The Transiting Moon in Leo
    • The Transiting Moon in Virgo
    • Transiting Moon in Libra
    • The Transiting Moon in Scorpio
    • The Transiting Moon in Sagittarius
    • The Transiting Moon in Capricorn
    • The Transiting Moon in Aquarius
    • The Transiting Moon in Pisces
    • The Phases of the Moon
    • The Waxing and the Waning Moon
    • More About Your Personal Phase of the Moon
  • The Moon and Surgery
    • The Anatomical Correspondences of the Signs of the Zodiac
    • The New Moon, the Full Moon, and the Eclipses
    • Other Factors
  • The Void-of-Course Moon
    • What the Void-of-Course Moon Is
    • What the Void-of-Course Moon Isn’t
    • The Meaning of the Void-of-Course Moon
    • How to Find Out When the Next Void-of-Course Period Is
    • Do You Like Happy Ends?
  • Appendix A. How to Find Out Your Moon Sign
    • If No Birth Time Is Available
    • The Limitations of the Moon Sign Calculator, and of the Moon Sign App
    • A Precise Method of Finding Out Your Moon Sign
  • Appendix B. How to Find Out Your Sun Sign
  • Appendix C. Moon Sign Celebrities
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Gemini
    • Cancer
    • Leo
    • Virgo
    • Libra
    • Scorpio
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Pisces

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