Finding Mojovation
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Finding Mojovation

How to create contentment in your work and personal life

About the Book

The world of work is broken. We're building teams that are optimised for productivity, without concern for the wellbeing of the people (or "resources"!) within those teams. As individuals, we can often feel like we're lost as small, insignificant parts of a much larger system. It's a path which leads to burnout, jadedness and general dissatisfaction, which can swallow some of the best members of our organisations.

We can take the power back. In Finding Mojovation, Neil Studd shows how we can influence positive changes within our workplace, helping to grow better teams while also retaining our innate sense of individuality.

By reading this book, you'll learn:

  • How popular motivational theories survive analysis when held under the lens of remote working and the "new normal".
  • How to empower yourself to take ownership of your personal career growth, regardless of the environment around you.
  • How to shape your life to create serendipitous opportunities for happiness.
  • How to ensure that success is not at the expense of your personal health and wellbeing.

About the Author

Neil Studd
Neil Studd

Neil Studd is an engineering coach with over 20 years' experience of working in agile software development teams, predominantly in the world of testing. He specialises in quality practices, agile coaching and management. Throughout this time, he has practised an empathetic and humanist approach to building and leading teams, and working with senior managers to ensure that the needs of individuals are being met. He is a Certified Scrum Master, a qualified Mental Health First Aider, and hosts several podcasts including Testers' Island Discs, Screen Testing and Tech Team Weekly.

Neil offers freelance agile coaching and career advice via his independent business, Mojovation Consulting.

Table of Contents

    • About the Author
    • Preface
      • Who is this book for?
      • Why are you writing about this?
      • Why should I listen to you?
    • Introduction
    Part I:The World of Work
    • 1.The Next Normal
      • Modernising through adversity
      • Back to the old normal?
      • What even is a “working week”?
      • Working smarter, not harder
    • 2.Remote Working
      • A different working day
      • Your physical health
      • Your mental health
      • Maintaining boundaries
    • 3.Remote Collaboration and Teamwork
      • Meeting culture
      • Sparking a conversation
      • Collaborating on tasks
    • 4.Conflict and Challenges
      • Office politics
      • Changing demands and deadlines
      • Being asked to do “bad work”
      • Redundancies
    • 5.Considering a Job Change
      • Better the devil you know?
      • Quitting should be a last resort
      • If salary is the issue
      • Leveraging internal opportunities
    • 6.Interviewing
      • Your CV as a sales tool
      • Using your network
      • Chasing multiple roles
      • Spotting red flags
      • Interviewing in a remote world
      • If you don’t get the role
    Part II:Reclaim Your Mojovation
    • 7.Know Your Career Path
      • Embarking on a career
      • On passion
      • Pivot!
    • 8.Get Organised
      • A bucket list, or a f*** it list?
      • Macro career goals
      • Micro career goals
      • Beating burnout with rewards
      • Visualise it
    • 9.Pushing Yourself Forwards
      • Seek forgiveness, not permission
      • Know what’s yours, and take it
      • The power of nudges
      • Avoiding negative nudges
    • 10.Rest and Recovery
      • Gimme a break
      • Working 9 to 5
      • The 7 types of rest
    • 11.When The World Is Against You
      • Relationships
      • Family
      • In the workplace
      • (Anti?-)Social media
      • Taking control
      • Everything matters, but nothing matters terribly
    • 12.Happiness
      • Getting more done by saying no
      • If it feels good, do it
      • Measuring happiness
      • Little victories
      • What if?
      • The happy planet
    Part III:Go Your Own Way
    • 13.Conclusion
    • 14.Acknowledgements
    • 15.Further Reading
    • 16.Mojovation Consulting

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