Mojolicious Web Clients
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Mojolicious Web Clients

About the Book

Use the power of Perl and the Mojolicious web framework to create your own command-line web user agents. Interact with websites to access, download, and process data automatically.

About the Author

brian d foy
brian d foy

brian d foy is one of the most prolific authors in the Perl programming community. He's the author of Mastering Perl and Learning Perl 6, and the co-author of Learning Perl, Intermediate Perl, Programming Perl, Effective Perl Programming, and others. He helps people and companies use Perl through education, training, and consulting.

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About the Contributors

Dave Cross
Dave Cross


Sebastian Riedel
Sebastian Riedel

Cover Design

Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • Some eBook Notes
    • Installing Mojolicious
    • Getting Help
    • Acknowledgments
    • Perl School
  • Introduction
    • The Mojo Philosophy
    • Be Nice to Servers
    • How HTTP Works
    • Add to the Request
    • httpbin
  • Basic Perl Features
    • Perl Program Basics
    • Declaring the Version
    • Signatures
    • Postfix Dereference
    • Indented Here Docs
    • Substitution Returns the Modified Copy
  • Basic Utilities
    • Working with URLs
    • Decoding JSON
    • Collections
    • Random Utilities
    • Events
  • The Document Object Model
    • Walking Through HTML or XML
    • Modifying the DOM
  • CSS Selectors
    • Finding the next thing
    • Selecting the Root Element
    • Selecting Any Element
    • Selecting by Tag
    • Selecting by Attribute
    • Selecting by Attribute Value
    • Selecting by Relative Position
  • Requests
    • The Request Process
    • Adding Headers
    • Authentication
    • Adding Message Bodies
    • Uploading a File
    • Miscellaneous Settings
    • Summary
  • Cookies
    • Cookie Basics
    • The Cookie Jar
    • Cookie Jars in the User-Agent
    • Adding Cookies to Requests
    • Summary
  • Responses
    • Did It Happen?
    • Inspecting Headers
    • Redirection
    • Dealing with Content
    • Caching and Conditional Requests
    • Fluent Content
    • Progress Bars
    • Handling Meta Tags
    • Restricting Response Sizes
    • Pagination
    • Summary
  • Concurrency
    • Some Misconceptions
    • Non-blocking Requests
    • Promises
  • Content Generators
    • Existing Content Generators
    • Creating Your Own Generator
    • Summary
  • One Liners
    • The mojo Command
    • Perl One-Liners
    • Fetching a Resource
    • Playing with the DOM
    • Extending ojo
    • Summary
  • Conclusion
    • Uncovered Topics
      • Roles
      • Namespace selectors
      • Servers inside the user-agent
      • Range requests
      • Websockets
      • Mojo::UserAgent inside a web app
      • Working with alternate TLS certificates
      • Testing
  • Further Reading

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