Modern Network Observability
Modern Network Observability
A hands-on approach using open source tools such as Telegraf, Prometheus, and Grafana
About the Book
As modern IT services and software architectures such as microservices rely increasingly on network performance, the relevance of networks has never been greater. Network observability has emerged as a critical evolution of traditional monitoring, providing the deep visibility needed to manage today’s complex, dynamic environments. In Modern Network Observability, authors David Flores, Christian Adell, and Josh VanDeraa share their extensive experience to guide you through building and deploying a flexible observability stack using open-source tools. This book begins by addressing the limitations of monolithic monitoring solutions, showing you how to transform them into a composable, flexible observability stack. Through practical implementations, you’ll learn how to collect, normalize, and analyze network data from diverse sources, build intuitive dashboards, and set up actionable alerts that help you stay ahead of potential issues. Later, you’ll cover advanced topics, such as integrating observability data into your network automation strategy, ensuring your network operations align with business objectives. By the end of this book, you'll be able to proactively manage your network, minimize downtime, and ensure resilient, efficient, and future-proof operations.
Table of Contents
- Introduction to Monitoring and Observability
- Role of Monitoring and Observability in Network Infrastructure
- Data's Role in Network Observability
- Observability Stack Architecture
- Data Collectors
- Data Distribution and Processing
- Data Storage Solutions for Network Observability
- Visualization – Bringing Network Observability to Life
- Alerting – Network Monitoring and Incident Management
- Real-World Observability Architectures
- Applications of Your Observability Data – Driving Business Success
- Automation Powered by Observability Data - Streamlining Network Operations
- Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Network Observability
- Appendix A
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