Modern Application Development with PHP
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Modern Application Development with PHP

About the Book

NOTICE: This book is currently incomplete.

AUTHOR NOTE: I want to apologies for the current delay. I am working on the book but I wanted to make a change in the content. I'm reworking chapters 6 onwards, along with the example code. It's going to take me some time to get to a point where I'll be making updates again but I am working on it! Thanks for you patience and sorry for the delay!

This book aims to introduce the reader to modern software development practices using PHP and then get them applying these practices. It starts out by introducing the tools, methodologies and concepts used in the book before working with the reader to build an application.

The methodologies and tools introduced in the book include Object Oriented Programming (OOP), The SOLID Principles, Design Patterns, Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), Domain Driven Design (DDD) and the Agile approach to software development. This also includes a brief introduction to Test Driven Development (TDD). All of these topics are deep subjects and therefore this book does not try to cover them completely. Rather, it gives a basic introduction and shows how to apply them by example so that the reader can gain a fundamental understanding of the processes of modern software design in one place.

The application is a simple site with a basic specification for listing and rating cocktail recipes. The application is distilled down into a few user stories which are then completed to produce the final application. However, this process is presented as if working on an Agile project so the code and the specification evolve as the application is developed. This is to help the reader learn and understand about the development process rather than just copy down code examples. Also, the decisions made during the development process are explained and alternative approaches discussed. The idea is to make the reader think and understand the overall architectural decisions.

About the Author

About the Contributors

Felix O'Connor
Felix O'Connor

Editor / Technical Contributor

Felix has been working with Tom for a many years. He has been a great contributor and inspiration to Tom's development in software engineering and the content provided in this book.
Rob Heyes
Rob Heyes

Editor / Technical Contributor

Rob has been working with Tom for a few years. He has been a great contributor and inspiration to Tom's development in software engineering and the content provided in this book.

Table of Contents

    • Errata
    • Preface
      • Source Code
      • Discussing Book Content
      • Getting in Contact
      • Thanks
  • Prerequisites
    • Terms and Conventions
      • Some Terms
      • Conventions
    • The Development Environment
      • Requirements
      • Vagrant
    • Getting up to Speed with PHP
      • Namespaces
      • Typehints
      • Front Controllers
      • Standards
      • Docblocks
      • The Autoloader
      • Composer
      • Keeping Logic and Display Code Separate
      • Coding Style
    • Methodologies, Techniques and Tools
      • Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
      • Design Patterns
      • Value Objects & Immutability
      • Entities
      • Dependency Injection (DI) & Inversion of Control (IoC)
      • The SOLID Principles
      • Functional Programming (FP)
      • Command Query Separation (CQS)
      • Naming
      • Refactoring
      • Object Calisthenics
      • Automated Testing
      • Test Driven Development (TDD)
      • Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
      • Uncle Bob’s Clean Code
      • Domain Driven Design (DDD)
      • Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
      • Agile
      • User Stories
    • An Introduction to Testing and TDD
      • Types of Test
      • The Double Feedback Loop
      • Given, When, Then
      • Acceptance Testing with Behat
      • Mink
      • Unit Testing with PHPSpec
      • Test Doubles
      • Katas
  • Building the Application
    • Getting Started
      • The Application
      • Creating the Project
      • The First Story
      • Application Structure
      • Scenario: View an empty list of recipes
      • Scenario: View a list with 1 recipe
      • Scenario: Recipes are sorted by rating
      • Tidying Up
      • What Next?
    • Adding the Second Feature
      • The FeatureContext
      • The Implementation
      • The Builder Pattern
      • The Ingredients Collection
      • DRY - Don’t Repeat Yourself
      • Some Thoughts
    • Common Query System
      • The Problem
      • Creating the Handler
      • The Query Handler Interface
      • Using Constructor Arguments
      • Thinking About the Result Type
      • Summary
      • What Next?

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