Minimum Viable Tests
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Minimum Viable Tests

About the Book

You've been doing PHP development for a while but you find yourself constantly battling bugs, finding it hard to integrate bits of code together, and staying late to do deployments. You know there is a better way through test-driven development but you have no idea where to start.

You imagine yourself sitting down with an experienced developer -- just you and them, steadily working through problems and learning how to use test-driven development to design the API's and interfaces for your code while making sure nothing leaves development until you're 100% sure it's working.

In "Minimum Viable Tests" long-time PHP testing evangelist Chris Hartjes starts you off with the basics on the concepts surrounding test-driven development and shows you how a long-time grumpy programmer writes application with testing always in the front of his mind. Along the way you'll learn about:

  • Chris' concept of "metatesting"
  • The basics of what PHPUnit is and how it works
  • The role of tests in the development process
  • Effective use of test doubles
  • Understanding how to mimic your application's environment via bootstrapping
  • Writing wrappers around web API calls to make testing easier
  • How fixtures and data providers help simplify your tests both today and tomorrow
  • When you should use (and not abuse) monkey-patching tools
  • The Arrange-Act-Assert test-writing strategy
  • How to refactor existing tests

Chris has been watching and listening to people as they start their journey towards become test-driven developers. "Minimum Viable Tests" is designed to be your guide on the path to having well-tested, confidently-deployed PHP applications.

About the Author

Chris Hartjes
Chris Hartjes

Chris Hartjes has been helping teams try and produce fewer bugs in production since 1998 with a recent focus on tools and test automation in PHP and Python.

He lives in the snowy wilds of Lucan, Ontario, Canada,

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Table of Contents

  • Foreword by Phil Sturgeon
  • Introduction
    • Who Is This Book For?
    • Why This Book?
    • What Is This Book?
    • Special Thanks
  • Metatesting
    • Mature Testing Tools Are Available
    • Open Source Drives Acceptance
    • Proof Exists to Back the Promises
    • Testing Moves Bug Fixing to a Cheaper Part of The Cycle
    • Easy-to-use Build Systems Encourage Continuous Deployment
    • There Are Awesome Complementary Tools
  • PHPUnit Basics
    • How Do We Install PHPUnit?
    • What Is PHPUnit?
    • The PHPUnit Test Runner
    • PHPUnit Test Cases
  • Testing Basics
    • What Is a Test?
    • Testing FizzBuzz
    • Handling Non-Integers
    • Testing for Fizz
    • Make Buzz Work
    • Check That FizzBuzz is Correctly Detected
    • Data Providers to Reduce Repetition
    • Things to Look out For
  • Care and Feeding for Your Test Doubles
    • Why Do We Need Doubles?
    • Identifying Dependencies
  • Bootstrapping
  • Wrapping Is Not Just for Presents
    • Wrappers from up High
  • Fixtures and Data Providers
    • When Do I Need Them
    • When Should I Use a Data Fixture?
    • When Should I Use a Data Provider
  • Monkey Patching
    • What Is Monkey Patching?
    • What Problem Is Monkey Patching Solving in Testing?
    • What Scenarios Might Monkey Patching Be Good For?
    • Enough Talking, Show Me Some Examples
    • New Test Style
    • Double Patching for Great Success
    • Monkey Patching as a Precision Tool
  • Arrange-Act-Assert
  • Refactoring Tests
    • Helper methods
    • Arrange-Act-Assert
    • Continuing The Pattern

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