Microsoft Power BI Performance Best Practices - Second Edition
Microsoft Power BI Performance Best Practices - Second Edition
Learn practical techniques for building high-speed Power BI solutions
About the Book
In a world dominated by data, organizations heavily rely on business intelligence tools like Power BI for deriving insights and informed decision-making. Yet, as data volumes grow and user demands increase, achieving optimal performance becomes challenging. Author Thomas LeBlanc, a seasoned Business Intelligence Architect with over 30 years of IT experience, draws on his extensive expertise to guide you in overcoming challenges related to slow performance, data modeling, query optimization, visualization design, deployment, administration, integration, compliance, and security.
This book covers topics ranging from architecture and data modeling to Power BI premium features, DAX formulas, and collaboration, helping you to gain a deep understanding of the Power BI architecture, design efficient data models, create efficient queries, and improve visualization performance. You’ll also learn best practices to deploy and manage Power BI solutions, integrate with other tools and systems, ensure compliance and security, and collaborate with team members.
By the end of the book, you’ll have developed your knowledge and skills to design, build, and maintain high-performing, scalable, and efficient Power BI solutions to drive unparalleled business success.
Table of Contents
- Setting Targets and Identifying Problem Areas
- Exploring Power BI Architecture and Configuration
- Learning the Tools for Performance Tuning
- Analyzing Logs and Metrics
- Optimization for Storage Modes
- Third-Party Utilities
- Performance Governance Framework
- Loading, Transforming, and Refreshing Data
- Report and Dashboard Design
- Dimensional Modeling and Row-level Security
- Improving DAX
- High-Scale Patterns
- Working with Capacities
- Performance Needs for Fabric Artifacts
- Embedding in Web Apps
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