The Message Is The Medium


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The Message Is The Medium

About the Book

Messaging is the best idea we have so-far arrived at for dealing with the problem of distributed systems, and that problem looms larger than ever in the lives of many software developers. Messaging as an idea is built on a history of engineers addressing immediate problems. By looking at those people, their challenges and the solutions they arrived at we can begin to understand the fundamentals that run through all messaging systems. This book takes a tour through some notable messaging systems and standards, with the goal of reflecting the ideas we can use to build our own.

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About the Author

Ian Barber
Ian Barber

Ian Barber works as a developer advocate for Google+ in London. He is an active contributor to the ZeroMQ open source messaging system, as well as the maintainer of the LibSVM and LAPACK PHP extensions. He has been developing professionally since 2002, much of that time working on large web applications for a variety of clients in the UK and Europe. He is a regular conference speaker at events around the world, and occasional blogger on his sites at Risk Complete Failure and PHP/ir. He can also be found on Twitter.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • What Is Messaging?
  • Packets On The Wire
    • Packet Switched Networks
    • The ARPANET
    • Internetworking
    • Distributed Computing
  • The Information Bus
    • Middleware
    • Event Driven
  • Boarding The Enterprise
    • Managing Data
    • Security
    • SOA
    • Enterprise Integration Patterns
  • JMS & AMQP
    • JMS
    • AMQP
    • AMQP 0.91 Model
    • Programmable Brokers
    • AMQP 1.0
    • Message Models
  • All The World’s A Stage
    • Concurrent Programming
  • Going For Brokerless
    • Directory Services
    • Flow Control
    • Persistence and Asynchrony
    • Multicast
  • ZeroMQ
    • Messaging Patterns
  • Socialising
    • Chat
    • Messaging & The Web
    • Job Scheduling
    • PubSubHubub
    • Moving To Data Distribution
  • The Internet Of Things
    • Mobile Devices
    • The Internet Of Things
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements

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