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About the Book
When I became a Junior Developer I felt like I am at a good place, I can solve most problems, I can work with PHP and fix smaller bugs. After a year of working I became a Medior. I thought it was a little bit fast, buy hey, I was produd. But to my biggest surprise, after another half a year I was beeing asked, when I want to take the leap to become a Senior Developer. The Medior level was more than a challenge for me already and I was overwhelmed with the topics I was missing for the Senior level.
I refused and took a little break from progressing my career and started teaching the basics to a couple of interns. Before this phase I did not beleive the saying: "learning by teaching", but it was true. I gathered confidence as I reviewed topics with my students and together we were able to explore new technologies. After this experience I started to learn again on my own and the biggest help was to set up a progressions plan, instead of just reading about whatever topics I could find on the internet.
For PHP projects you are definitely going to be a web developer of some sort. You either will build a traditional web application or more likely, an API. If you are confident building your business logic around these "2 types of PHP applications", then you can start learning some concepts you might have missed for your Senior Interview.
In this book I will tackle the first step, that is often missed by everyone. We are going to build a traditional web application using PHP and will learn all the concepts needed for it. Don't rush to learning about APIs, start with a sever-side rendered HTML responses!
About the Author
Joseph Kanyo graduated with a degree in Economics and after beeing forced to take coffee breaks... khm, to participate in Knowledge Sharing meetings, he decided to learn something that can actually produce some value. He has been developing and learning about PHP web applications ever since.