Marionette.js: Testing and Refactoring
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Marionette.js: Testing and Refactoring

Improving Resilience and Maintainability

About the Book

Come along as we test the "Contact Manager" application (developed in Backbone.Marionette.js: A Gentle Introduction) and refactor the messier parts. You'll learn the fundamental concepts and apply them through guided exercises, using Sinon, Mocha, and Chai.

By the time you're through with the book, you'll understand how and why to keep tests independent, as well as avoiding duplication in test code with judicious refactoring and helper functions. These skills will assist you in improving the application code and developing new features without introducing regressions. We will also cover how to run tests from the command line, so your new test suite can be used within a continuous integration environment.

We'll cover testing the application code in such a way that you will rapidly be able to apply these concepts to your own projects. We will see how to:

  • set up and tear down test environments;
  • handle tests for asynchronous functionality;
  • test code relying on timers;
  • write readable assertions and test code;
  • leverage javascript to keep test code short, DRY, and readable;
  • use spies and stubs to keep tests decoupled from application code specifics.

And more, of course. The entire book is platform-/framework-independent as is doesn't rely on any server: we'll be testing only the client-side code.

Do note, however, that we implement the verifications using mainly stubs (with occasional spies), and mocks are only discussed in the last chapter. Didn't understand that last sentence? Don't worry: you probably won't care about the difference. This book will show you how easy testing can be, and will do so painlessly!

About the Author

David Sulc
David Sulc

I spend most of my time applying technologies to business problems and like many, I acquire new technology skills in a self-taught manner. What I really enjoy is understanding subjects well enough to be able to teach others about them in a straightforward "this makes complete sense" style.

Table of Contents

  • Cover Credits
  • Who This Book is For
  • Following Along with Git
    • Jumping in for Advanced Readers
  • Why Test?
    • Enjoyable Code
    • What Dogfights Can Teach Us
  • When to Test
  • What Types of Tests?
  • Setting Up
    • Getting Mocha
    • Getting Chai
  • Header Entity
    • Header Model
    • Not Testing Functionality
    • Header Collection
    • Stubbing with Sinon.js
  • The Filtered Collection
  • Contact Entity
    • Testing Application Requests
    • Using the Sinon-Chai Plugin
    • Testing Asynchronous Features
    • Time-Dependent Tests
  • Testing Localstorage
  • Testing a Base View
  • The About App
    • Testing a Displayed View
    • Testing the Controller
    • Refactoring Region Configuration
    • Testing Routes
  • Contacts New View
  • The Contact App’s “Show” Action
  • The Contact App’s “Edit” Action
  • Testing the Common View
    • The Value of this
    • Refactoring our Test
    • Testing Form Submission
  • The Main Contacts App
    • Testing Routes
  • The Contact App’s “List” Action
    • Fixing a Bug
    • Testing the Views
  • Improving View Test Resilience
    • Ensuring Proper Execution
    • Using the UI Hash
  • The Header Sub-App
    • Fixing the Header Tests
    • Back to the Sub-App Tests
  • The Main Application
  • Running Tests from the Command Line
  • A Word on Mocks
  • Closing Thoughts
    • Keeping in Touch
  • Other Books I’ve Written

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