Magento Best Practices Handbook
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Magento Best Practices Handbook

A collection of practical advice to develop with Magento the right way. Free since Magento 1 EOL.

About the Book

When you get used to develop on Magento 1 platform you will likely agree with a motto of mines: "there are at least two ways of developing things in Magento the best of which is usually the third".

This book is a collection of development advices resulting from over five years spent on practical Magento development.

Knowing how Magento is implemented is the best way to extract the most out of it; for this reason all the recipes are explained through in-depth analysis of Magento's code base and architecture.

This book assumes you are not a Magento beginner and already know its programming fundamentals with at least one year of continuous development experience.

If you prefer, you can buy a printed version here:

About the Author

Alessandro Ronchi
Alessandro Ronchi

Alessandro works at Bitbull as experienced technical leader, devoted to software design, development, and training.

He is an active member of the Magento Community as an author, speaker, and primary curator of, a collection of useful Magento resources.

Honored three times with the title of Magento Master and listed among the top 50 contributors in the last years, he is also an active Magento Community Maintainer since 2018.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1 Why and How to read this book
    • 1.2 Conventions
    • 1.3 Feedback
  • 2. Getting started
    • 2.1 Terminology
    • 2.2 Requirements
    • 2.3 Tools
    • 2.4 Technical References
    • 2.5 Summary
  • 3. Magento Runtime
    • 3.1 A bare minimum PHP script
    • 3.2 The more structured Mage Shell script
    • 3.3 The normal dispatch flow
    • 3.4 Summary
  • 4. Logging
    • 4.1 Basic principles
    • 4.2 Avoid using Mage::log()
    • 4.3 The native Log Adapter
    • 4.4 The brand new Logger Model
    • 4.5 A definitive approach
    • 4.6 Custom Writer Models
    • 4.7 Summary
  • 5. Autoloading
    • 5.1 Magento’s autoloader initialization
    • 5.2 How to extend native autoloader
    • 5.3 Summary
  • 6. Effective MVC
    • 6.1 Models
    • 6.2 Blocks
    • 6.3 Templates
    • 6.4 Controllers
    • 6.5 What about Helpers
    • 6.6 Closing words
    • 6.7 Summary
  • 7. Working with Data
    • 7.1 Connecting to the DB
    • 7.2 Accessing Data
    • 7.3 Cloning a Collection
    • 7.4 Writing Data
    • 7.5 Summary
  • 8. Extending Magento
    • 8.1 Developer mode
    • 8.2 Monkey Patches
    • 8.3 Rewrites
    • 8.4 Events
    • 8.5 Interceptors
    • 8.6 Summary
  • 9. Deploying
    • 9.1 Bash script
    • 9.2 Complex scenarios
    • 9.3 Fabric
    • 9.4 Capistrano
    • 9.5 Deployer
    • 9.6 Summary

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