The Little JavaScript Book
The Little JavaScript Book
All you wanted to know about JavaScript but never dared to ask.
About the Book
Why another book on JavaScript? As much as I love masterpieces like "You don't know JS" and "Eloquent JavaScript" I feel there is the need for a book which takes the reader by hand, challenging enough, yet concise.
In this book you'll learn the hard parts of JavaScript without the gimmicky packaging that comes with some tutorials, and most important without arid academic lucubration. It aims to be a concise reference, while never peeking too much into the JavaScript spec.
Enjoy the reading!
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Table of Contents
Intro. Few words about the book.
- A brief history of the book
- Structure of the book
- Who this book is for?
- Typographic conventions
- What’s the best way for following the examples?
- Errata and other requests
- About the author
- Acknowledgments
Intro. Few words about the book.
Part 1 - JavaScript, the “hard” parts
Chapter 1. Getting started with JavaScript, and a glossary.
- The importance of being JavaScript
- ECMAScript, and other technical terms
- A special note on modern JavaScript
Chapter 2. Prologue: JavaScript fundamentals.
- Strings, numbers, variables and all in between
- Standing on the shoulders of a giant object
- 50 flavors of JavaScript functions
- JavaScript’s module system
- Conclusions
Chapter 3. A whirlwind tour of JavaScript engines.
- JavaScript engines and Global Memory
- Global Execution Context and Call Stack
- Asynchronous JavaScript, Callback Queue, and the Event Loop
- Callback hell and Promises
- Promises and error handling
- Promises and Microtask Queue
- More on Promise: combinators
- Dynamic imports
- Asynchronous evolution: from Promises to async/await
- Conclusions
Chapter 4. Closures and modules in JavaScript.
- Global madness
- Demystifying closures
- The need for closures
- Hoisting, we need to talk
- Conclusions
Chapter 5. JavaScript encounters of the third kind (with objects!)
- Everything is an object!
- Creating and linking objects
- Constructing JavaScript objects
- Checking the linkage
- Taking care of JavaScript objects
- Class illusion
- Conclusions
Chapter 6. This in JavaScript.
- Demystifying this
- Rule number 1: falling back to the global this
- Rule number 2: when this is my host object
- Rule number 3: tell me who is this
- Rule number 4: new binding
- Arrow functions and this
- Conclusions
- BONUS exercise: Creeping into this
Chapter 7. Types, coercion, and comparison in JavaScript.
- Primitive types in JavaScript
- When a number becomes a string
- I’m not a number!
- Comparison operators: equal equal or not?
- Primitives and objects
- Conclusions
Chapter 1. Getting started with JavaScript, and a glossary.
Part 2 - Working with JavaScript in the browser
Chapter 8. Shaping HTML elements with JavaScript.
- The Document Object Model
- Nodes, elements, and DOM manipulation
- DOM and events
- How to dynamically add DOM elements with JavaScript
- Conclusions
Chapter 9. Working with asynchronous JavaScript.
- REST API and XMLHttpRequest
- XMLHttpRequest in action: generating lists with HTML and JavaScript
- Building HTML lists with JavaScript (and debugging classes)
- Asynchronous evolution: from XMLHttpRequest to Fetch
- Rebuilding Fetch API from scratch (for fun and profit)
- Conclusions
Chapter 10. HTML forms and playing with the storage API.
- A re-introduction to HTML forms
- HTML forms in action
- Extracting data from an HTML form
- Getting to know localStorage and laying out our classes
- Interacting with localStorage and this comes to bite again
- Going idiomatic with FormData
- The formdata event
- Conclusions
Chapter 11. First steps with TypeScript.
- Laying down the foundations
- Getting started with TypeScript
- Digging deeper into TypeScript types
- TypeScript types, objects, and interfaces
- Narrowing types, Partial, and type aliases
- Assembling a TypeScript class
- Wiring up our classes and a bit of JSDoc
- ECMAScript private fields and the TypeScript private modifier
- Conclusions
Chapter 8. Shaping HTML elements with JavaScript.
Part 3 - Appendix
- A delightful collection of little JavaScript recipes
- Chapter 2. Prologue: JavaScript fundamentals
- Chapter 4. Closures and modules in JavaScript
- Chapter 6. This in JavaScript
- Chapter 11. First steps with TypeScript
- Changelog
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