Literate Programming, MD
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Literate Programming, MD

How to Treat and Prevent Software Project Mess

About the Book

Literate programming is a coding methodology from the mind of Donald Knuth. Its aim is to help you communicate your programming intentions to yourself and future maintainers. 

Why did you code something that way? What is the structure of the program? These are the big questions that literate programming is supposed to help you answer. 

It is also a great tool for programmatically writing code, keeping DRY in your programming, and running various pre, mid, and post processing tasks. 

In short, I want to invite you on a journey to a world of pure creation of code, unconstrained by mere language constructs. 

About the Author

James Taylor
James Taylor

James Taylor is a proud father, credentialed mathematician, heretical physicist, and passionate (web) programmer.

He believes strongly in the following:

  • literate programming as a means of making sense of the messy web stack;
  • bohmian mechanics as the foundation for quantum mechanics (particles are not waves, but rather ride the wave);
  • children are designed to learn and should be supported in what they choose to do;
  • we need to get local community to be a thing again -- children can help;
  • learning math (like anything else) requires a great deal of fun explorations coupled with self-guided practice;
  • great success comes from those who get up in the morning and ... to those who eat celery;
  • vacation is the time to program for 14 hours a day

Table of Contents

    • Introduction
  • I The Basics
    • 1. What is literate programming?
    • 2. LitPro
    • 3. Semi-literate programming
    • 4. Symphonic Programming
      • 4.1 Syntax
      • 4.2 Functions or reordering
    • 5. Artistic programming
      • 5.1 Web
  • II Cookbook
    • 6. Constants
      • 6.1 Evaling
      • 6.2 Command producing constants
    • 7. Eval
      • 7.1 Command Eval
      • 7.2 Command Async
      • 7.3 Directive Eval
    • 8. Boiler Plate
      • 8.1 Repeated Use of Chunks
      • 8.2 Evaling
      • 8.3 Minors and Compiling
    • 9. Making a Command
      • 9.1 Sync command
      • 9.2 Async command
      • 9.3 Plugins
    • 10. Making a Directive
      • 10.1 Evaling to a Directive
      • 10.2 lprc.js Directives
      • 10.3 Plugins and Directives
    • 11. Project Files
      • 11.1 Version
      • 11.2 NPM
      • 11.3 Readme
      • 11.4 gitignore
    • 12. lprc.js
      • 12.1 Custom commands and directives
      • 12.2 Loading plugins
      • 12.3 Default arguments
    • 13. Other Languages
      • 13.1 Hyphenated var names
      • 13.2 Space separated to JSON
      • 13.3 CSV to JSON
      • 13.4 Auto-prefixer
      • 13.5 SASS to CSS
    • 14. Making a Plugin
      • 14.1 Independent
      • 14.2 Jade
      • 14.3 JSHint
      • 14.4 Markdown, PostCSS
    • 15. Data Entry
      • 15.1 Reading CSV into Template
      • 15.2 Date/Time
      • 15.3 Pulling from web
    • 16. Conditionals
      • 16.1 Flags
      • 16.2 Conditional Syntax
      • 16.3 Full Example
      • 16.4 Multiple Compiles
    • 17. Domain Specific Languages
      • 17.1 Math Algorithms
      • 17.2 Extra Markdownish
    • 18. Making a Subcommand
    • 19. Linting
    • 20. h5 and h6 Headers
      • 20.1 Paths
      • 20.2 Collecting CSS
    • 21. Testing
      • 21.1 Generating Common Test Environments
      • 21.2 h5 Test Headings
      • 21.3 Inline Eval Testing of Code Snippets
    • 22. Documentation
    • 23. Debugging
  • III Web Projects
    • 24. HTML
      • 24.1 Boilerplate
      • 24.2 Jade
      • 24.3 Markdown
      • 24.4 Template Runs
      • 24.5 Cheerio
    • 25. JavaScript
      • 25.1 A Little Code
      • 25.2 Linting
      • 25.3 Testing
      • 25.4 h5
      • 25.5 Helpers
      • 25.6 Transpilers
    • 26. CSS
      • 26.1 PostCSS
      • 26.2 SASS
    • 27. Servers
      • 27.1 Making a Server
      • 27.2 Pushing Content to Server
      • 27.3 Pushing Content to S3
      • 27.4 Database managing
    • 28. AWS Lambda
    • 29. Writeweb
    • 30. Static Sites
  • IV Reference
    • 31. A Complete and Full Syntax Specification
      • 31.1 Document syntax
      • 31.2 h5 and h6
    • 32. Directives
      • 32.1 Built in directives
      • 32.2 Common Client Directives
    • 33. Commands
      • 33.1 Built in commands
      • 33.2 Common Client Commands
      • 33.3 Full Client Commands
    • 34. Subcommands
      • 34.1 Built-in Subcommands
    • 35. Command Line
      • 35.1 Flags
    • 36. Plugins
    • 37. lprc.js
      • 37.1 Plugins
    • 38. Compile Events
  • V The Literate Programs

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