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Sobre el Libro
One of the most important events of 20th century is Cuban Revolution (Revolución Cubana!).
This book contains historical record of the first few weeks of the revolution (Jan.1-17,1959), the period when all the revolutionary troops began a victorious march towards the capital, Havana. This phase is called "caravana DE LA LIBERTAD", the caravan of LIBERTY.
The triumphal caravan has been documented by eyewitness accounts and enriched with many photographs, day by day and city by city across Cuba.
Original (spanish) version was produced by; Luis Báez | Pedro de la Hoz (CASA EDITORA ABRIL), 2009.
Online editions are publicly available at cubadebate.cu
This eBook edition, with English translations, has been produced by voluntary contributions.
Crafting for Sharing by Zeus Baba
Sobre el Editor
Crafting for Sharing by Zeus Baba