Less of Me with HCG
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Less of Me with HCG

About the Book

Less of Me HCG is a 254 page e-book of the entire Less of Me blog (from September 2009 to now), that we've produced chronicling the process of following the HCG Protocol.

We're automatically updating the book with the latest lessons and observations learned every month, and existing purchasers automatically get free updates. It's absolutely the best way to read all the wisdom and findings we've amassed on your ebook reader (including your smart phone, kindle, nook, and your computer), and at $14.99 it's a steal!

About the Author

Table of Contents

  • September 2009
    • Observations
    • Supper Menu
    • Desert tonight!
    • An addition
    • Iosol Iodine Tea
    • Supper Menu
    • Tips for mint or gum replacements
    • Today, we've got a new recipe for you. Mom is brilliant with
    • 1 week in, comments
    • Dinner - trying someone elses' recipe
    • Dry Skin Solution
    • Sushi for lunch!
    • Roast Beef, Bad Breath
    • Unprepared for lunch
    • Questions from a fellow hCGer (and my answers)
    • Time for some new supplies
    • Lunch time ZINNNGG!
    • Jalapaneos!
    • A funny
    • Zippy Shrimp
    • Herb the Halibut
    • Water - getting a gallon or more down per day
    • Roast Beef and "Potatoes"
    • Kind of a flat day
    • Supper with FRESH Tomatoes
    • Apple Day
    • Apple Core.
    • Going out today
    • Up Town Chicken Soup
    • Not a happy camper
    • Gelled Fruit (a Jell-O knock off)
    • Bra Goal
    • Balsamic Roast Beef
    • Zesty Citrus Vinaigrette
    • News of the day
    • Chili Chicken
    • Finally! I lost a pound!
    • 20 day photo shots
    • Sott'er celo de Roma
    • Forgetting your hCG?
    • BBQ Steak & Coleslaw
    • Apple Chips
    • End of Cycle Apple Day
    • A funny for the day
    • Orange Chicken Stir-Fry
    • Liquid Sunshine Soup
    • Apple Day & low blood sugar
    • "Honey" Citrus Glazed Shrimp
    • Zippy Baked Cinnamon Apple
    • Disappointment
    • Ack! I've been remiss!
    • Zucchini Meatloaf
    • Not feeling that creative
    • Baked Shrimp
    • Flu & staying on hCG Protocol
    • Chicken and Tomatoes
    • For the ladies
    • Weight loss stall
    • Recipe Contest!!
    • New pants & bra!!
    • Gearing up for Phase 3
    • Herbs and Spices
    • Raspberry Jello
    • Asian Garlic Chicken
    • Balsamic Mustard Chicken
    • Cabbage Rolls to go with my rolls? Hahahaha!
    • Herb Marinated Chicken
    • Low Blood Sugar Troubles
    • Egg Day!
    • I think I need a spell...
    • Meat Department @ Safeway
    • Blah, blech, and such
    • Japanese Steak
    • McCormick Rotisserie Chicken Seasoning Clone
    • It's Never Been This Easy...
    • Recipe Writing Contest: Chicken (Forgo the) Tortilla Soup
    • Recipe Writing Contest: Strawberry (Forgo the Tequila) Margarita
    • Garlic Curry Beef Soup
    • Toffee Apple
    • Just found a bunch of free holiday recipes!
    • Whee!! I've been nominated for an award!
    • Tips on managing Stalls/Gains
    • Recipe Writing Contest: Savory Chicken & Apples, Garlic Zucchini
    • "Miracle Noodles" YUCK!
    • A funny this morning
    • Lunch Repeater, Shrimp Cocktail
    • Something to research and ponder
    • Grissini (Breadsticks) recipe
    • Habits
    • 10 Likely Culprits for Stalls
    • Orange Ginger Chicken
  • October 2009
    • Coffee Roast Beef
    • Amino Acids, a quick study
    • Orange Roughy
    • Cucumber Chicken Salad
    • Movie Seats
    • Cola Marinade
    • Orange Creme de Licious
    • Ran-out-of-Time Asian Shrimp
    • Raspberry Sorbet
    • Buffaloaf
    • Yesterday's trip to Portland
    • Cod Bake
    • Running with the Buffalo
    • Raspberry Picking
    • Autumn Bliss Soup
    • It's a Keeper!
    • Apologies
    • Working on a cookbook
    • 40 pounds released!
    • Recipe Contest Entry: Buffalo Chili
    • Baggin' Pants
    • Emotional Eating
    • Just THREE days left to enter the contest!
    • Recipe Contest Entry: Italian Wedding Soup
    • Butter Buds, a quick study
    • Celtic Sea Salt, a quick study
    • Walden Farms, a quick study
    • Recipe Contest Entry: Sausage Cabbage
    • Letter to Walden Farms
    • Recipe Contest Entry: Family Pot Roast
    • Coffee. Duh.
    • Recipe Contest Entry: Fresh Cucumber Salad
    • Recipe Contest Entry: Save Me From Takeout! Chicken Satay
    • Recipe Contest Entry: Russian Chicken
    • Recipe Contest Entry: Chicken Bruschetta
    • Recipe Contest Entry: Apples and Lemonade
    • Busy, Busy, Busy!
    • Cello lesson tomorrow
    • P3, Day 2: Cello lesson report
    • P3, Day 3: Sausage & Eggs
    • ::yawns:: Tired today
    • A Gift for everyone in Phase Two
    • P3, Day 4: 2.2# BELOW last Phase 2 weight
    • Need advice during your diet?
    • Response from Help site (ALREADY!)
    • Before & After Round 1
    • P3, Day 4: Of Brevès & Swooning
    • 45# mark today!
    • Reminder: Recipe Contest Voting
    • I think I grew a corkscrew tail today...
    • P3, Day 6: Even with all that fat back...
    • Bragg's Products & Books 15% off!
    • Time/Labor Savers for Phase 2
    • Long day today
    • P3, Day 9: Steak and Cheese Day
    • P3, Day 10: Steak and Cheese Results
    • P3, Day 11: Anti-Climax
    • Want Less of Me delivered to your email?
    • P3, Day 11: Tahini Salad Dressing recipe
    • Hallowe'en party for 8 & 9 year olds over...WHEW!
    • P3, T-8 Days: Thousand Island, 200 posts!
    • Need your opinion!! Podcast?
    • P3, T-7 days: Mixing Veggies
    • Tool 4 You: Journaling Privately
    • Happy Hallowe'en!! Recipe Contest Results!
    • P3, T-6 Days: Winter Tea (Phase 2, too!)
  • November 2009
    • P3, T-5 Days!
    • 100 recipes DONE
    • P3, T-4 Days!
    • Recipe Book II
    • P3, T-3 Days
    • P3, T-2 Days, Recipe Book Index
    • P3, Last Day
    • Book is DONE!!
    • Yesterday was day 1 of P4!
    • Facebook
    • Book: Sneak Peek
    • Hard Copy of the Recipe Book
    • P2: "Off Protocol" Foods
    • Reminder!
    • Nummy Treat!
    • Steak Day Tomorrow?
    • Steak Day
    • Questions and Answers: Holiday Sweets
    • Model A or Taurus? Which would you choose TODAY?
    • Dedications
    • P4 Delectableness
    • Apologies, CHOPPED, What's in the works
    • Hypnosis - think it'll help?
    • Hypnosis - Confidence, Charisma
    • Hypnosis - Plans
    • Less of Me FOREVER!
    • Quantum Touch
    • Reiki
    • Self-Professed Egg Eater
    • Meditation
    • Letter to Dr. Oz
    • Thanksgiving
    • Meditation - free music
    • Helping us say Thanks
    • Lotions
    • P3: Cauliflower Crust (not ours, but sooo worth sharing!)
    • A Gift for everyone in Phases 2 and 3
    • FreX - Sound Therapy
    • Discussion: Why do some lose more than others?
    • Muscle Testing
    • P3 Recipe on Facebook!
  • December 2009
    • Quick check in
    • NuStevia
    • Hard Copy of the Recipe Book READY!
    • P2: macadamia nut thing
    • P2 Macadamia nuts
    • 3# under LDW
    • Prices and Drops
    • My test results
    • Test: Report from Stephanie
    • Blew my own Test Day
    • Test: Report from Emily
    • Layers
    • The "Test" Revealed!! Apple/Cheese Day!
    • Leptin Discussion, Guest Blogger Robin
    • Joy to The World and All HCGers
    • Merry Christmas!
    • Happy Holiday Season!
    • Planning for Round 2
    • Calendars, Round 2
    • I need to release my neice...
    • Round 2 Cookbook discount
    • P3 & P4 Exercise
    • Hmm - a postponement?
    • Round 2 starts tomorrow after all!
  • January 2010
    • Tonight's LOADING dessert
    • 40 days & 40 nights
    • Green to the Gills Tilapia
    • Orange Spinach Salad
    • HCG Hot-n-Sour Egg Drop Soup
    • Pound for Pound Challenge
    • Leptin Explaination, Guest Blogger Robin
    • Chicken Kohlsuppe
    • Cookbook2: Grapefruit Sorbet
    • P3: Steak Day video
    • P2: TestV15o
    • Italian Spinach Soup
    • Video Channel
    • Scale Weight vs. Body Fat
    • Lifetime Maintenance
    • Chicken Coup Broccoli
    • Free support (GREAT support)
    • Mental blocks for waiting to start HCG
    • No Rolls on my Rump Roast
    • Raspberry Chicken
    • Mama Mia!
    • Seafood Stuffed Zucchini
    • Maintenance Book
    • Cookbook2: Hung-far-lo Buffalo Soup
    • Heel Pain
    • Adding Vitamins
    • TestV06o is today
    • TestV06o is an initial bust
    • Maintenance Planning
    • VLCD: Discussion of Fatty Fish
    • Maintenance going well for me...
    • Maintenance so far
    • 101 Names for Sugar You May Not Know
    • Rant: GMOs, Fluoride, BPAs
  • February 2010
    • An epidemic of ending early!
    • Introductions
    • Soapbox: Is BPA contaminating YOUR food?
    • P3: Back under LDW
    • P3: Broken records
    • Warning: Dressing in the Dark
    • P3: Chocolate
    • Cheating: Emotional Ties
    • P4: Week One Plan
    • Emotions
    • HCG Drops
  • March 2010
    • My "RoundSet" Plan
    • Quick check-in from the TechVoid
  • April 2010
    • Food Revolution
    • BioAccoustics
    • RoundSet Plan update
    • WaterCure
    • Less of Me Header changed!!
    • Testing report
    • Dessert in a glass!
    • Emotions
    • Multi Glandular Support Test
    • Multi-Glandulars discount for you!
  • May 2010
    • WHERE does the time go??
    • Happy Mom's Day everyone!
    • ABC video about HCG
  • June 2010
    • Slackers
  • July 2010
    • P2+: BLIMEy It's Hot Popsicles
    • P3+: Early Summer Bliss Smoothie
  • August 2010
    • Gearing up for Round 4!
  • October 2010
    • Start up (Take 2)
    • ::Blech:: Loading Day 1
    • ::blech:: Loading Day 2
    • Jason's site is back up and offering a NICE discount, too...
    • Up all night
    • Two days in, down 6.7#!
    • The slow down is starting to happen
    • Homeopathic News!
  • November 2010
    • HCG Drops at 25% off!
  • December 2010
    • Yae! Our site is available in other languages now!
    • Thinking about the Holidays
    • 17 Day Diet
    • Holidays and Life
    • The Store
    • Less of YOU Sale!
    • Christmas Loading Days!
    • Preparing for your HCG round
    • Prep for VLCD for everyone following the Christmas Loading Days calendar!
    • To Load or Not To Load (a third day)....
    • Interrupts
    • Correction Options & Interrupts
  • January 2011
    • Happy 2011!
    • Plans for my next round
    • NYL2011: Last Day of Loading!
    • CDL2010:
    • Homeopathic Discussion
    • HomeopathicHCG Theory/Hypothesis
    • Drink your water!
    • Water Games
    • Water Games II
    • New E-Publishing Company
    • Water Games III
    • Ready to start my test!
    • On Interrupts: Reader Q/A
    • Testing: Step1 Notes
    • Feb2011 Reader's Digest
    • Help! I can't "Go!"
    • Steps: VLCD1
    • Steps VLCD2: Oops
    • Steps VLCD3: LM Potency notes and discussion
    • LM Potency: Further Discussion

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