Easy development with Symfony (2 and 3)
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Easy development with Symfony (2 and 3)

Learn how to develop with Symfony and other tools that will help and will make your work easier in a big way as developer

About the Book

This is a free book with the goal of making you a better developer. If you consider it interesting or if after reading it you think that it's a good book and you want to pay for it, you should know that the 50% of your gratefulnes will be destinated for a good cause.

This book is a translation into English of Desarrollo fácil con Symfony (2 y 3) which was originally written in Spanish.


About the Author

Jon Torrado
Jon Torrado

DevOps at @LIN3S · I love learning and teaching, sometimes I write · @GamersWalk_ CTO · @phpeus member

About the Contributors

Beñat Espiña
Beñat Espiña

Web developer @LIN3S • PHP, CSS & JS • Obsessed with BDD & clean code • Exploring DDD & BEM

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Why I’m writing this book
    • What you are going to learn
    • Whom is this book for
    • How the book is divided
  • Chapter 1: installation and configuration
    • Symfony installer
    • Composer
    • MySQL Database
    • Writing Permissions
    • The Web Server
    • Development environment
    • Tip 1
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: third party bundles
    • Looking for our bundle
    • Installing a new bundle
    • Tip 2
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Admin Bundle
    • Installing the Admin Bundle
    • Creating our Admin Class
    • Tip 3
    • Other possibilities
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: User Bundle
    • Installing the User Bundle
    • Creating the user structure
    • Creating our admin user
    • Tip 4
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: MopaBootstrap
    • Installing MopaBootstrapBundle
    • Preparing the base template
    • Tip 5
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Gulp (1)
    • Installation
    • Creating our first SCSS file
    • Minifying our CSS
    • Autoprefixer
    • Gulp watch
    • Default task
    • Tip 6
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Assetic for JavaScript
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Minifying our JavaScript
    • Recommendations
    • Tip 7
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: full example
    • Application flow
    • Creating the route
    • Creating the action method
    • Our own home
    • The image carousel
    • The claims
    • Contact form
    • Sending an email
    • Tip 8
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Doctrine Extensions
    • Installation
    • Timestampable filter
    • Slugabble filter
    • Softdeleteable filter
    • Other filters
    • Tip 9
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: LiipImagineBundle
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Using with Twig
    • Using with PHP
    • Tip 10
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: ther bundles
    • EWZRecaptchaBundle
    • AcceleratorCacheBundle
    • FOSRestBundle
    • NelmioApiDocBundle
    • DoctrineFixturesBundle
    • DoctrineMigrationsBundle
    • FOSJSRoutingBundle
    • HWIOAuthBundle
    • KnpSnappyBundle
    • JMSTranslationBundle
    • Tip 11
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Gulp (2)
    • Sass Lint
    • JSCS
    • PHP CS
    • PHP CBF
    • Executing PHP commands
    • Tip 12
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13: additional Symfony configuration
    • ParamConverter
    • Template without controller
    • Redirecting without controller
    • Dump autoload
    • Hide logs
    • Send 500 errors to an email
    • PhpStorm configuration
    • Moving the sessions folder
    • Tip 13
    • Summary
  • Chapter 14: modifying SonataUserBundle
    • Modifying FOSUserBundle
    • Overriding the templates
    • Overriding the controllers
    • Modifying the login and the sign in
    • Modifying the sign in (2) and the emails
    • Other modifications
    • Tip 14
    • Summary
  • Chapter 15: deployment
    • Magallanes
    • Ansible
    • Capifony
    • Capistrano
    • Deploying with capistrano-symfony
    • Capistrano-symfony: final result
    • Tip 15
    • Summary
  • Chapter 16: testing
    • What is testing? Do I need it?
    • TDD vs BDD
    • Testing tools in PHP
    • Continuous integration
    • Tip 16
    • Summary
  • Epilogue
    • Bower
    • Gassetic
    • Gulp with JavaScript
    • PostCSS
    • Symfony made developments
    • DDD
    • Did you like the book?
    • Thanks to readers

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