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About the Book
Everyone should learn how to code
Everyone should learn the basics of programming.
People learn it for various reasons: getting a job, earning money, because their school requires it, or just for fun - because they love it.
Regardless of the motivation, the results are highly rewarding.
You expand your horizons, get a very good understanding of how computers work, what programmers do actually, and how you can solve some real-world problems by yourself.
This book uses a visual way to teach you the basic building blocks of programming.
And not only that, but you also get to try every example in the book in a matter of seconds.
No setup needed, just a computer or smartphone with a browser.
The concepts from this book are transferrable to any programming language.
Learning programming visually first makes it easier to follow the execution flow.
Once you learn the basics, everything you learn after this will become much easier to understand.
Only the sky is the limit.
A Message to My Readers
Hi there! Thanks for reading this book.
Hope you will have great time reading it and learn something useful.
I would love to get in touch with you.
Whether you have questions, ideas, feedback, or just want to say hello, you can find me at the following places:
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I appreciate if you read this section.
Thanks, and good luck! :)
About the Editor
Sakib Hadžiavdić is a Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience.
His focus is mainly on the backend development in Scala and Java.
He is author of many open-source projects.
You can find him on Linkedin at .