Learn JavaScript: From Beginner to Master
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Learn JavaScript: From Beginner to Master

About the Book

This book introduces you to the most popular programming language in world, JavaScript. Start learn this beautiful programming language now when it is not late. This book explains the basic concept of JavaScript language and advance your skills.

About the Author


VigoWebs is a group of software developers who primarily works on Web and Mobile app development.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 - Introduction to JavaScript
    • What Is JavaScript?
    • How JavaScript was created
    • JavaScript and the ECMAScript
    • JavaScript as Interpreted Language
    • How to run the JavaScript
    • Script Loading
    • Chapter 1 - Quiz
  • Chapter 2 - Variables and Datatypes
    • What is Variable?
    • Data Types
    • Chapter 2 - Quiz
  • Chapter 3 - Operators
    • Operators in JavaScript
    • Chapter 3 - Quiz
  • Chapter 4 - Control Flow
    • Control Flow
    • Block Statements
    • Conditional statements
    • Exception Handling
    • Chapter 4 - Quiz
  • Chapter 5 - Loops and Iteration
    • Loops and Iteration
    • Chapter 5 - Quiz
  • Chapter 6 - Functions
    • Functions
    • Chapter 6 - Quiz
  • Chapter 7 - Arrays
    • Arrays
    • Array methods
    • Multi-dimensional Arrays
    • Chapter 7 - Quiz
  • Chapter 8 - Objects
    • Objects
    • Overview
    • Creating Objects
    • Chapter 8 - Quiz
  • Chapter 9 - Objects
    • Objects
    • Defining Methods
    • Iteration
    • Property descriptors and flags
    • Seal an Object
    • Property getters and setters
    • Chapter 9 - Quiz
  • Chapter 10 - Intermediate JavaScript 1
    • Strict mode
    • Truthy and Falsy
    • Type conversion
    • Converting strings to numbers
    • Automatic Semicolon Insertion
    • Avoid floating point problems
    • Chapter 10 - Quiz
  • Chapter 11 - Intermediate JavaScript 2
    • Boxed objects
    • Hoisting
    • Scope
    • Closures
    • Chapter 11 - Quiz
  • Chapter 12 - Intermediate JavaScript 3
    • Pass by value or Pass by reference
    • Call stack
    • What is this?
    • call, apply and bind
    • Chapter 12 - Quiz
  • Chapter 13 - Prototypes and Inheritance
    • Prototypes and Inheritance
    • Prototypes
    • Constructors
    • Chapter 13 - Quiz
  • Chapter 14 - Object Oriented JavaScript
    • Object Oriented JavaScript
    • Chapter 14 - Quiz
  • Chapter 15 - ES6
    • ES6
    • Transpile and Polyfill
    • Block Scope Declarations
    • Spread and Rest
    • Default parameter value
    • Destructuring
    • Object Literal Extensions
    • Template Literals
    • Symbols
    • Chapter 15 - Quiz
  • Chapter 16 - ES6 Part 2
    • ES6 Continues
    • Arrow functions
    • for..of loop
    • Collections
    • Generators
    • Modules
    • Chapter 16 - Quiz
  • Chapter 17 - Class and Promises
    • Class and Promises
    • Class
    • Promises
    • Chapter 17 - Quiz
  • Chapter 18 - Advance JavaScript
    • Advance JavaScript
    • Event Loop
    • Async functions
    • Tail call optimization
    • Proxies
    • Reflect
    • Chapter 18 - Quiz
  • Chapter 19 - Working with DOM
    • Working with DOM
    • Document Object Model
    • How to access DOM
    • Find an Element by ID
    • Find an Element by Tag name
    • Find an Element by class
    • Find elements by CSS selectors
    • Working with attributes
    • Changing CSS
    • Working with Events
    • Window onload and onunload
    • Adding new elements
    • Removing HTML elements
    • Chapter 19 - Quiz
  • Chapter 20 - Event Listener and BOM
    • Event Listener and BOM
    • addEventListener
    • Event bubbling and Event Capturing
    • Turing off propagation
    • BOM or Browser Object Model
    • Chapter 20 - Quiz
  • Chapter 21 - HTML5 APIs and Ajax
    • HTML5 APIs and Ajax
    • Geoloaction API
    • Web Storage
    • Localstorage
    • Offline Web Applications
    • Web workers
    • XMLHttpRequest or XHR
    • Chapter 21 - Quiz
  • Chapter 22 - JavaScript Oddities
    • JavaScript Oddities
    • Equal comparison
    • [ ] == ![ ]
    • NaN is not equal to NaN
    • baNaNa
    • Minimal value is greater than zero
    • Adding arrays
    • Trailing commas in array
    • undefined and Number
    • null is an object
    • Precision of 0.1 + 0.2
    • Comparison of three numbers
    • Object as a key of object’s property
    • try..catch finally
    • Multiple inheritance
    • A class of class
    • Tricky arrow functions
    • Arrow functions cannot be a constructor
    • arguments in arrow functions
    • Tricky return
    • Math.max() less than Math.min()
    • Comparing null to 0
    • Default behavior Array.prototype.sort()
    • Array and Object addition
    • Chapter 22 - Quiz

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