Lean Testing
Lean Testing
Lean Software Test Architecture - Test Practices for Evolving Software Architectures
About the Book
Testing must adapt to the evolving software architecture as well as development practices. This book provides guidance on how to implement Lean testing practices and thus emphasizes the Lean perspective compared to overlapping approaches such as Continuous Testing and Quality Engineering.
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Table of Contents
- Prolog
- Introduction
- Chapter Summary
- Software Development Principles
- Lean Software Development
- DevOps
- Continuous Delivery
- Impact of Lean, DevOps & Continuous Delivery on Testing
- Chapter Summary
- Overview
- Role of Testing
- Test Architecture
- Test Approaches
- Chapter Summary
- Lean Testing
- Applying Lean Principles
- Comparison with other Approaches
- Positioning of tests in the CI & CD Pipeline
- Testing in the entire Software Development Life Cycle
- Keep Tests Focused
- Future Trends
- Chapter Summary
- Shift Left
- Local Tests
- Merge Request Verification
- Unit Tests
- Contract Tests
- Integration Tests
- Performance Tests
- Shift Left Security Tests
- Chapter Summary
- Shift Right
- Acceptance Tests
- Manual Tests
- System Performance Tests
- Shift Right Security Tests
- End-to-End Tests
- Deployment Smoke Tests
- Progressive Release
- Observability
- User Feedback
- Chapter Summary
- Architecture Quality
- Testing and Evolutionary Architecture
- Testability
- Fail Fast
- Test Debt
- Behavior Driven Development
- Defect Prevention
- Chapter Summary
- Interlude
- Golden Rule
- Pragmatic Altruism
- Lean Testing Way of Working
- Working in Small Batches
- Agile
- Whole Team Test Approach
- Collective Test Decisions
- Role of Test Architects
- Organizational Design
- Conway’s Law
- Learning Organizations
- Parkinson’s Law
- Westrum’s Organizational Model
- Schein’s Model of Organizational Culture
- Matrix Organization and Chapter Team
- Chapter Summary
- Lean Test Management
- Lean Test Management
- Test Case Prioritization
- Documenting Test Case Decisions
- Testing Sign-Off
- Test Data Management
- Test Environments
- Test Tool Selection
- Apply Architectural Principles to Test Design
- Test Automation Moves
- Chapter Summary
- Guiding Principles - Lean Testing Capability Model
- Target Outcomes
- Test Capability Model
- Test Capability Indicator Definition
- Test Capability Levels
- Prioritization of Test Improvements
- Identifying Non-Lean Testing Practices
- Chapter Summary
- Architecture Influence on Testing
- Testing a Monolithic System
- Testing Microservices
- Testing EDA Systems and Data Pipelines
- Testing Serverless Systems
- Testing Mobile Applications
- Testing AI-based Systems
- Chapter Summary
- Conclusion
- Concerns About Development Teams Owning Tests
- Lean Testing in Modern Software Development
- Epilog
- The Loosely-Coupled Monolith
- Systems Leadership
- Appendix
- Test Coding Best Practices
- Continuous Integration Questions
- Opportunity Solution Tree
- Westrum Survey
- Terminology
- Bibliography
- Notes
- Architecture Quality
- Lean Test Management
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