Lean Application Engineering
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Lean Application Engineering

Featuring Backbone.Marionette and the Spring Framework

About the Book

Learn lean application engineering techniques building a single page web application and RESTful web services using Backbone.Marionette.js and the Spring Framework.  Eliminate wasteful boilerplate code and focus on your features.

This book is a full-stack engineering experience.  Build both a single-page application, SPA, client-side user interface and a complete set of RESTful web services.  Begin by rapidly prototyping using an in-memory database.  Then learn to integrate with both MySQL and MongoDB.

Ready for production?  We've got you covered.  The book dedicates chapters to development operations and production operations.  Learn to quickly, simply, and reliably build, package, configure, deploy, and monitor the applications in production server environments.

About the Author

Matthew Warman
Matthew Warman

I fell in love with technology at a young age.  Using my family's first computer, it wasn't enough to play games or to see what I could do with some software package.  I needed to know how it worked... what made it tick... how the pieces fit together.

As I grew older and started a career as a software engineer, my curiosity only grew.  That drive to understand the technologies I used to perform my job made me a better technologist.  Sometimes though, the road to deeper understanding was painful.  Sometimes the documentation is difficult to find, scattered among blog posts or forums.

In my books, I share what I have learned throughout nearly two decades as a technology professional.  Each book is a journey that we take together, learning while we build and building while we learn.  After all, building new tech is fun.  Learning something along the way is a bonus.

Table of Contents

  • Part I. Introduction
    • Paradigm Shift
    • About the Book
    • Intended Audience
    • Git Repositories
      • Web Services
      • Single Page Application
  • Part II. Server Foundation
    • Bootstrap the Server Project
      • A Proper Foundation
      • Installing the Dependencies
      • Choosing a Source Editor
      • Structuring the Project
    • Getting Started with Spring Boot
      • Updating the POM
      • Application.java
      • Starting the Server
    • Building the First RESTful Web Service
      • Cohesion
      • Updating the POM
      • Creating the Entity Model
      • Creating the Repository
      • Creating the Service
      • Creating the Controller
      • Creating the Cross-Origin Filter
      • Running the Application
  • Part III. User Interface Foundation
    • Bootstrap the User Interface Project
      • Installing the Dependencies
      • Choosing a Source Editor
      • Structuring the Project
    • Getting Started with Marionette
      • The Marionette Application
      • Marionette Modules
      • Displaying Static Content
      • Organizing the Application
    • Marionette Messaging
      • Event Aggregator
      • Commands
      • Request Response
    • Integrating with Web Services
      • Creating the Issue Entity
      • Creating the Issue Manager Module
      • Listing Issues at Startup
      • Running the Application
  • Part IV. CRUD
    • Creating Issues
      • Web Service
      • User Interface
      • Running the Application
    • Viewing Issues
      • Web Services
      • User Interface
      • Running the Application
    • Updating Issues
      • Web Service
      • User Interface
      • Running the Application
    • Deleting Issues
      • Web Services
      • User Interface
      • Running the Application
  • Part V. Production Features
    • Development Operations
      • Web Services
      • User Interface
      • Deployment Strategies
    • Configuration
      • Property Files
      • Property File Load Order
      • Using Profiles with Property Files
      • Spring Boot Property Reference
    • Production Databases
      • Relational Databases
      • NoSQL Databases
    • Production Monitoring and Management
      • Introducing Actuator
      • Enabling Actuator
      • Endpoints
      • Configuration
      • Health Check
      • Application Information
      • Metrics
      • Tracing
      • Conclusions
  • Part VI. Epilogue
  • Part VII. Appendices
    • Appendix A: Dependency Versions
      • Issue Tracker Web Services
      • Issue Tracker User Interface
    • Appendix B: Iconography
      • Issue Type Icons
      • Issue Priority Icons
      • Miscellaneous Icons
    • Appendix C: CoffeeScript
    • Appendix D: Gulp

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