Lean Health
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Lean Health

Aging in Reverse

About the Book

If I were to summarize my entire book in one word it would be “Ferrari.” The secret to excellent health—the answer—is to treat your body like you would treat a Ferrari. A Ferrari is the archetype of a sports car, one of the most precise and high-performance machines ever made. It is exotic, fast, agile and beautiful. If you take the same care of your body as you would a Ferrari—using only the best fuel and regularly taking it to the best mechanic for maintenance—your body will give you ten times what you put into it, for the duration of your life. So ask yourself, “Do I treat my body like a Ferrari or a Pinto?”

About the Author

Paul Akers
Paul Akers

Paul Akers is an entrepreneur, business owner, author, speaker, Lean maniac!

He is the founder and president of FastCap, a product development company with distribution in 40 countries. FastCap, based in Ferndale, Washington, launches 30+ new innovative products each year and is regarded as a model Lean manufacturer.

The grandchild of Greek immigrants, Paul was born and raised in Southern California. At the age 14 he became an Eagle Scout, at 16 he built his own guitar and earned the attention of guitar builder Bob Taylor, who mentored and eventually put Paul to work for Taylor Guitars.

Paul graduated with honors from Biola University and then went to work in Pasadena restoring historic homes and teaching High school industrial arts.

In 2000, Paul discovered Lean manufacturing or Toyota Production System (TPS). This newfound knowledge helped him and his wife Leanne take FastCap from a small start up in their garage into the successful product development company it is today.

Paul is an international speaker whose core passion is teaching others how to implement Lean thinking in their business and personal life. Paul has worked with the US Navy, IDF Israel Defense Forces, Amazon, major European banks as well companies and organization all over the world.

In 2010 Paul ran for the US Senate in Washington State on a Lean platform of transforming government by developing a Lean thinking as a key strategy for all government organizations.

For the past five years Paul has produced a weekly radio show/podcast called “The American Innovator” where he interviews interesting people and tours sites and organizations from his travels around the world, including such notable people like Louis Zamperini.

Paul is an avid outdoorsman and regularly does day hikes up 14,000 foot mountains in California and Colorado. In 2014 he led back-to-back expeditions summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro and Everest Base Camp. He is also an instrument-rated pilot and has flown his plane all over the world, including 3 North Atlantic crossings in a single engine aircraft.

Paul has written two books, “2 Second Lean” and “Lean Health”, and is currently writing “Lean Travel”.

Reader Testimonials

George Trachilis
George Trachilis

P.Eng., Author of OEM Principles of Lean Thinking, President & CEO, Lean Leadership Institute

...What a gift! This is a must-do-type book. After you break through the barriers that Paul describes, you will never look at your life the same way. Paul may be a Ferrari, but I am the Space Shuttle Discovery!

Doug Walker
Doug Walker

Author of A-Ha! Performance: Building and Managing a Self-Motivate Workforce, 2007, Wiley Press

In his new book, “Lean Health,” Paul Akers presents a relentlessly logical, “elegant” approach to improving one’s own personal state of health. It’s CLEAR. His book is loaded with specific examples. A favorite of mine is “the picture diet.” It’s ATTAINABLE. Everything he suggests is possible for all of us...

Norman Bodek
Norman Bodek

Author of The Harada Method, Eighty-three years old and as spry as ever

I love and respect Paul and I know his sincerity. He has not written this book to make money. He has written this book because the Lean Health process has worked so well for him and he knows it will work the same way for you...

Kevin Meyer
Kevin Meyer

Co-Founder and Partner of Gemba Academy LLC.

...When Paul shared his physical transformation and the method he used, his concept of “your body is the customer” aligned with the customer-centric thinking I’ve embraced for decades as a Lean manufacturing proponent. Paul’s pointers are easy to understand, easy to implement and, perhaps most importantly, easy to sustain...

Rabbi Stephen Baars
Rabbi Stephen Baars

Author, Executive Director of Aish Seminars

If you find keeping a diet hard, this book is for you. With the plethora of dieting books in the world it’s hard to imagine how anyone could carve out a niche. But that is what Paul Akers has done! He did what is missing in every other dieting book. The how. How to get the motivation to keep to one...

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