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Sobre o Livro
João Paulo Pinto
Doutorado em Gestão de Operações (UK, 2004), Mestrado em Sistemas Avançados de Fabrico e Novas Tecnologias (1993, UK) e Engenheiro Industrial (1991, Pt). É docente universitário desde 1993, consultor e formador nas áreas da gestão de operações. lean six sigma, engenharia e logística industrial. É autor de 3 livros pela editora lídel e o fundador da CLT Valuebased Services (www.cltservices.net).
Sobre o Autor
My name is Paulo Pinto, I am an Industrial Engineer with a Master degree in “Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology” (University of Liverpool, UK) and a PhD degree in Operations Management (Huddersfield University, UK).
I am an experienced Operations Manager, with sound knowledge in Lean Six Sigma. With more than 20 years of experience in manufacturing and service industry. In the previous years I worked as a consultant and trainer, managing several improvement projects. I am also a part time University teacher, something that helped me to keep up to date.