Being a lead software developer
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Being a lead software developer

About the Book

You worked hard. Solving problems and coding smart solutions is your thing. And then there is a day where the bomb is dropped. "Would you like to be promoted to the team's lead developer?"

This was my reality a few years ago. I did not know much about being a lead developer. I worked with many great ones over the years. But now I had to become one.

I had to learn new skills, consider factors outside of my comfort zone. But… I had to learn.

In this book I compiled my notes and day to day practices. And now you can benefit from this.

Learn best practices for being a great lead software developer. Every software developer at some point will have the opportunity to become a lead software developer. Definitions of what exactly a lead software developer is are different, but in this book I will provide you with best practices and tools to be the best lead developer you can be. For yourself, your peers and the business leaders you are working with.

On a number of topical areas I will go into details about the lessons I learned when growing into my role as a lead software developer. Everybody's environment is different, but I think there is something useful in this book for everyone.

About the Author

Jeroen Leenarts
Jeroen Leenarts

My name is Jeroen Leenarts. I am a software developer currently specialised in iOS development. But I have a long and varied history working on all kinds of technical challenging systems. I started working as a software developer in 2002. Currently, I am working as a Developer Relations Engineer iOS at Stream 

I publish a podcast for iOS app developers with a weekly news & community episode and an interview episode when available. More info on that:

I am also one of the main organizers of the Dutch CocoaHeads, a monthly meetup community for iOS developers:

About the Contributors

Linda Udding
Linda Udding


Reader Testimonials

Lucas Farah
Lucas Farah

I just couldn’t stop reading…

All I can say is that this book is just awesome. This is THE book I’ve been looking for in the past months. I’m probably gonna read it again in the weekend ?

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Why did I write this book
    • Who this book is for
  • Who am I?
  • Book format
  • Changes and updates
  • What is a lead software developer
    • What about a senior software developer?
    • Should you want to be a Lead Software Developer
  • Always consider your audience
  • Your team
    • Keep tabs on your peers and surroundings
    • Stay on the lookout for suitable training
    • Regular knowledge sharing sessions
    • Supporting the work of others
    • Onboarding new team members
    • Coaching
    • Pair programming
    • Leading
    • Remote work
    • How to encourage developers to learn
  • The business
    • Managing expectations
    • Translating
    • Fighting for technical progress
  • You
    • Note-taking
    • Scheduling your time
    • On being reliable
    • Coding
    • Learning
    • Communicating
    • Meetings
  • What’s Possible after Being A Lead Developer?
  • Closing notes
    • Send me feedback and share what you think
    • Get coached by AppForce1

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