Lazy Programmer's Guide to Angular 1.x
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Lazy Programmer's Guide to Angular 1.x

An efficient, yet comprehensive tutorial

About the Book

What this book is, a comprehensive, yet minimal and brief training on AngularJS framework. it aim to be fluid and fun as possible meanwhile bring to most important concepts and technical details of Angular to the reader.

What Angular is, one of the best frameworks around for building sophisticated and comprehensive web applications. It offers great modularity, MVVM architecture and testability among many other features to ensure the success of your large scale web project.

What you will learn by the end of this book, knowledge to be confident enough to start tackling any web project without the fear of scalability or technical problems. Of course, you will not learn every small tiny detail of many hundred pages of Angular's documentation, but you will learn enough to be able to extend your knowledge easily to any new detail.

What you should learn after finishing this book, Angular 1.x is not the end of the story. Aside from learning Angular2 (which is a platform, not a framework and offers different capabilities) you can learn the following frameworks that use Angular internally, to make the best profit out of your knowledge: Hybrid mobile application frameworks (such as Ionic), Desktop application frameworks (such as Electron), Native mobile application frameworks (such as Nativescript).

Why i wrote this book, I was somehow forced into building a very large web application with angular a few years ago, and it frightened me a lot at first, but as time went by and I got to know the beauty of Angular, everything changed. I even built many desktop and mobile apps using Angular. In this book I tried to bring all of details and experienced that helped me turn from an Angular hater person into a Builds everything using Angular person.

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About the Author

Kian Peymani
Kian Peymani

Kian Peymani is a developer, who has had a crush on Web Technologies ever since he first started to use them. Furthermore, he's interested in Artificial intelligence research and backend development with node.

Table of Contents

  • Lazy Programmer’s Guide to Angular 1.x
    • Preface
    • Seriously? Angular 1?
    • Who is this book for?
    • Notes on Codes, The Text and this book
    • Chapters overview
  • Getting you up and running
    • What you’ll need for learning
    • Inspection and dev tools inside browser
  • Angular, Reader, Reader, Angular!
    • Building blocks of an Angular app
    • Module
    • Controllers, Scopes and Data binding
      • Data Binding
      • Using functions
      • The holy ng-model
    • Directives, adding supernatural power to HTML
      • Iterating over objects
      • Creating custom directives
    • Services, handling the data logic properly
      • Why we might need a Service?
      • Different types
    • Into the next chapters
    • Further reading and challenges
      • More ideas to hack around with
      • Referencing a module
  • Controllers, templates and more!
    • More advance iteration with ng-repeat and pipe filters
      • ng-repeat with objects
      • Filters
      • Further reading, challenges and the code
    • Style manipulation with Angular
      • Using ng-show, ng-hide and ng-if
      • Using ng-class
      • Further reading and challenges and the code:
    • Ups and downs of < form > management with Angular
      • Further reading and challenges and the code:
    • Using $http and $watch
      • Using $http
      • Using $watch
      • Further reading and challenges and the code
    • Controller events and communication
      • Unsubscribing
      • Further reading and challenges and the code:
    • The great $rootScope
      • Using $rootScope for $broadcasting events
      • Further reading and challenges and the code:
  • Module lifecycle and configuration
    • Module Configuration and Run block
    • Modifying HTTP Provider
      • HTTP Interceptors
      • Interceptors for authentication
      • Interceptors for error handling
      • Perform Async operations using $q
      • Further reading, challenges and the code
    • Routing Config
      • Crash course on Single page applications
      • Client side routing with ngRoute
      • Controlling the route using $location
      • Passing route parameters with $route
      • Further reading, challenges and the code
  • Refactoring to a large scale application
    • Controllers are meant to control the UI, no more
    • Separating data logic and helper functions into Services
      • Data Services
      • Helper functions
    • Using Directives for reusable components
    • Using constants for cleaner code
    • Module level scaling and File structure
      • 1- Grouping similar objects
      • 2- Grouping similar features
  • Appendix and further reading
    • A better way for injecting dependencies
    • Providers
    • Two types of people: this vs $scope
    • Note on $scope.$apply
    • Controller before destroy
    • Style guide and best practices

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