Design Patterns with PHP and Laravel


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Design Patterns with PHP and Laravel

About the Book

Honestly, two years ago the words design patterns meant very little to me. I had been reading a few books to better my development and a friend suggested a book written twenty years ago by the Gang of Four. After reading it twice and struggling through outdated smalltalk examples, I turned to other sources. I searched wikipedia, google and blogs for each pattern until I finally understood each pattern well enough to write about it. However, I wanted to use patterns in the context of my job. I don't deal with Java applications much anymore. I wanted to know these patterns well enough that I could illustrate how they might be used in the web development world using common popular tools: php and Laravel. The book is for sale at the following url:

About the Author

Kelt Dockins
Kelt Dockins

I am the humble narcissistic web developer. I've worked on small projects, medium size projects and even a few small-medium sized projects. I love being a father, a husband and a developer. I've developed in languages such as Visual Basic 6.0, c++, Java, perl, bash, prolog, .NET stack, html, css, javascript and php. I've been using php and the ever-so popular Laravel framework for the last 3 years to stay at home and eat my bacon while earning it at the same time. I do love bacon.

Table of Contents

  • Who is this book for
  • Layout of the book
    • Creational
    • Structural
    • Behavioral
  • Laravel basics
    • What is Composer?
    • Meta Information
    • Dependency management
    • Autoloading
    • Lifecycle Hooks/Scripts
    • Stability
    • Running Composer
    • Setting Up Your Environment Variable
  • Let’s Grow A SOLID Garden
    • Single Responsibility Principle
    • Open/Closed Principle
    • Liskov Substitution Principle
    • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Dependency Inversion Principle
    • Conclusion
  • Abstract Factory
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Builder
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Factory Method
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Prototype
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Singleton
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Simple Factory Method
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example Scenario
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Adapter
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example Scenario
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Bridge
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Composite
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Decorator
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Facade
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Laravel Facades
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Flyweight
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Proxy
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Chain of Responsibility
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Command
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Interpreter
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Iterator
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Mediator
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Memento
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Observer
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • State
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Strategy
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Template Method
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Visitor
    • Intent
    • Applications
    • Abstract Structure
    • Example
    • Example Structure
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • More Resources

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