Laravel 5.1 Beauty
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Laravel 5.1 Beauty

Creating Beautiful Web Apps with Laravel 5.1

About the Book

Let's keep this short and simple ...

Laravel 5 is an amazing PHP Framework. This book goes through the process of designing, creating and coding a real-world application using Laravel.

The application built is a blog. Check out for a preview.

While building the Laravel 5 Beauty blog, you'll learn about:

  • Installing Laravel 5
  • Using Homestead
  • Using Elixir
  • Database Migrations and Seeding
  • Eloquent Models and Pagination
  • Form Requests
  • Views (Blade templates)
  • Authentication
  • And much, much more!


About the Author


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Table of Contents

  • Thank You
    • The Source Code is on GitHub
    • Feedback
    • Other places to learn Laravel 5.1
  • Chapter 1 - Introduction
    • Chapter Contents
    • Long Term Support
    • Why This Book
    • GitHub and the Blog
    • What is the Application?
    • Conventions Used This Book
    • Have Fun
  • Chapter 2 - Required Software and Components
    • Chapter Contents
    • The Rise of the Virtual Machines
    • About Laravel Homestead
    • Installing Virtual Box
    • Installing Vagrant
    • Where Do I Execute Things?
    • Recap
  • Chapter 3 - Setting up a Windows Machine
    • Chapter Contents
    • Multiple Ways to Setup Windows
    • Step 1 - Installing PHP Natively
    • Step 2 - Install Node.js
    • Step 3 - Install Composer
    • Step 4 - Install GIT and set up SSH Key
    • Step 5 - Adding the Homestead box
    • Step 6. Installing Homestead
    • Step 7 - Bring up the Homestead VM
    • Step 8 - Setting up PuTTY
    • Step 9 - Installing Laravel’s Installer
    • Recap
  • Chapter 4 - Setting up an OS X or Linux Machine
    • Chapter Contents
    • Slight Variations with Linux
    • Step 1 - Installing PHP
    • Step 2 - Install Node.js
    • Step 3 - Install Gulp
    • Step 4 - Install Composer
    • Step 5 - Adding SSH Keys
    • Step 6 - Adding the Homestead box
    • Step 7 - Installing Homestead
    • Step 8 - Bring up the Homestead VM
    • Step 9 - Installing the Laravel Installer
    • Recap
  • Chapter 5 - Homestead and Laravel Installer
    • Chapter Contents
    • The Homestead Tool
    • Overview of Common Homestead Commands
    • Examining Homestead.yaml
    • Adding Software to the Homestead VM
    • Daily Workflow
    • Six Steps to Starting a New Laravel 5.1 Project
    • Other Homestead Tips
    • Recap
  • Chapter 6 - Testing
    • Chapter Contents
    • Creating the l5beauty Project
    • Running PHPUnit
    • Using Gulp for TDD
    • Creating a Markdown Service
    • Other Ways to Test
    • Recap
  • Chapter 7 - The 10 Minute Blog
    • Chapter Contents
    • Pre-work before the 10 Minute Blog
    • 0:00 to 2:30 - Creating the Posts table
    • 2:30 to 5:00 - Seeding Posts with test data
    • 5:00 to 5:30 - Creating configuration
    • 5:30 to 7:30 - Creating the routes and controller
    • 7:30 to 10:00 - Creating the views
    • Recap
  • Chapter 8 - Starting the Admin Area
    • Chapter Contents
    • Establishing the Routes
    • Creating the Admin Controllers
    • Creating the Views
    • Testing logging in and out
    • Recap
  • Chapter 9 - Using Bower
    • Chapter Contents
    • Stealing Code
    • Installing Bower
    • Pulling in Bootstrap
    • Creating admin.less
    • Gulping Bootstrap
    • Running gulp
    • Updating the admin layout
    • Adding FontAwesome and DataTables
    • Recap
  • Chapter 10 - Blog Tags
    • Chapter Contents
    • Creating the Model and Migrations
    • Implementing admin.tag.index
    • Implementing admin.tag.create
    • Implementing
    • Implementing admin.tag.edit
    • Implementing admin.tag.update
    • Finishing the Tag System
    • Recap
  • Chapter 11 - Upload Manager
    • Chapter Contents
    • Configuring the File System
    • Adding a Helpers file
    • Creating an Upload Manager Service
    • Implementing UploadController index
    • Finishing the Upload Manager
    • Setting Up Your S3 Account
    • Configuring L5Beauty to Use S3
    • Installing an Additional Package
    • Test The Upload Manager
    • Fixing Bucket Permissions
    • Recap
  • Chapter 12 - Posts Administration
    • Chapter Contents
    • Modifying the Posts table
    • Updating the Models
    • Adding Selectize.js and Pickadate.js
    • Creating the Request Classes
    • Creating the PostFormFields Job
    • Adding to helpers.php
    • Updating the Post Model
    • Updating the Controller
    • The Post Views
    • Removing the show route
    • Recap
  • Chapter 13 - Cleaning Up the Blog
    • Chapter Contents
    • Using the Clean Blog Template
    • Creating the BlogIndexData Job
    • Updating the BlogController
    • Building the Assets
    • The Blog Views
    • Adding a Few Model Methods
    • Updating the Blog Config
    • Updating our Sample Data
    • Recap
  • Chapter 14 - Sending Mail and Using Queues
    • Contents
    • Setting Up for Emails
    • Adding a Contact Us Form
    • About Queues
    • Queuing the Contact Us Email
    • Automatically Processing the Queue
    • Queing Jobs
    • Recap
  • Chapter 15 - Adding Comments, RSS, and a Site Map
    • Contents
    • The Problem with Comments
    • Adding Disqus Comments
    • Adding Social Links
    • Creating a RSS Feed
    • Create a Site Map
    • Recap
  • Chapter 16 - General Recap and Looking Forward
    • Contents
    • Testing
    • Eloquent Models and the Fluent Query Builder
    • Advanced Routing
    • Migrations, Seeding, and Model Factories
    • Dependency and Method Injection
    • Facades vs. helpers vs. IoC objects
    • Laravel Elixir
    • Tinker
    • Artisan Commands
    • Events
    • Form Requests
    • Blade Template Engine
    • Flysystem
    • Queues
    • Blog Features to Add
    • Final Recap and Thank You

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