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About the Book
#Ruf nach neuen Koran-Kommentatoren
Fehlt dir der Mut und die Fantasie, dich in das Unbekannte zu wagen? Klassische Koran-Kommentatoren waren ernsthaft, präzise und gründlich in der sprachlichen Analyse, sie ließen viel Raum für neue Generationen, um die Bedeutung des Korans zu entwickeln. Begnüge dich nicht damit, die koranischen Gärten wie ein Buchhalter oder Steuerinspektor zu betreten, der die vorhandenen Kulturen nur aufzählt, ohne sich die Knie zu beugen oder die Hände schmutzig zu machen, indem er zwischen den Zeilen neue Dimensionen der koranischen Bedeutung erforscht.
About the Author
Edin Tule was born in Germany in 1976 and through his education across Western Europe, the Balkans, Central Asia, the Middle East, and the Far East, he gained invaluable experiences and knowledge of world languages (German, Turkish, Arabic, and English), which enabled him to understand the cognitive processes of various Muslim and Eurasian peoples.
Since 2002, after obtaining theological-psychological knowledge at the Islamic International University in Kuala Lumpur, Edin has been a trainer throughout Europe and America in interactive seminars and webinars on emotional intelligence, team building, contemporary Qur'anic commentary, pain management, harmonious development of male-female energy, Islamic psychology, leadership, rhetoric, thinking techniques, and modern educational concepts.
Edin is the author of several theater plays for the amateur theater "Puss in Boots," which he founded. His areas of interest include neuro-theology, Qur'anology, and futurology, as he believes that the Creator of the universe is fully present in the future, which greatly interests him.
He is the author of five books: 1. Socio-psychological Dimensions of the Qur'an, 2. Qur'anic Treatment of Stress, 3. Mental Parkour, 4. Positive Community, and 5. Commentators on the Qur'an in the Spider's Web.