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O knjizi
Ništa u biznisu, pogotovo malom, pogotovo na početku, nije toliko izazovno koliko odrediti pravu cenu svog proizvoda ili svog rada.
Cena je ta koja pravi razliku - "jeftino", prosek ili premium. Ma koliko bili sigurni da pripadamo nekoj od ovih kategorija, konkurencija, tržište, očekivanja i kupovna noć kupaca nam ne daju mira.
Otkrijte sve o cenovnim strategijama, kada se koriste, za koga su dobre a za koga ne, kako da ih promenite i brzo testirate u dinamičnom digitalnom okruženju.
O uredniku
Although I have a master’s degree in economics, specializing in finance, banking, and insurance, the rapid development of the internet, the rise of social media, and e-commerce during my studies led me to the field of digital marketing.
Today, I am an entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience and the owner of the marketing agency Digital Blaze.
For more than 10 years, in addition to working with small and medium-sized businesses, I have also been active in the IT industry, following the development and implementation of modern digital solutions.
I am the creator of dozens of eCommerce and digital products, micro-brands, and solutions, both for clients and my own projects.
I have helped over 50 clients to launch, expand, or transition their businesses into the digital space and create successful brand and marketing strategies.
Additionally, I help individuals approach career and business changes and challenges realistically and prepared, whether it’s starting their own business, changing jobs, or beginning their business career after completing their education.
Throughout my career, I have worked (and still work) in three areas:
- With clients, small and medium-sized businesses (over 50 clients to date),
- In the marketing sector of IT companies (currently working for the global IT company EPAM Systems, where I help the team in Serbia position and brand themselves successfully as an employer),
- On my own eCommerce projects, which, aside from the financial factor, play a significant role in strengthening the marketing capabilities of our agency.