JavaScript glossary on demand (JavaScript glossary on demand)
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JavaScript glossary on demand

a mini guide to modern JavaScript programming through common terminology explanation

About the Book

Using an innovative and unusual approach in the programming field, this book could somehow be compared to a waterfall: it starts quietly, by describing simple basic terms, and then accelerates until it covers most modern features towards the end.

Rather than explaining every part of the JavaScript programming language by generic topics, this book approach is to explain technical words "on demand" when needed, in order to complete simple to complex tasks.

Being a compact book I recommend you do a quick read-through it first, and once completed, go back to any specific words, so that every term is clear, and every example understood.

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About the Author

Andrea Giammarchi
Andrea Giammarchi

Andrea Giammarchi is a Web and Mobile Development consultant with more than 15 years of experience.

Formerly a Senior Software Engineer at Twitter, previously at Facebook, NOKIA, and others, Andrea has actively contributed to both client and server JavaScript community through various polyfills, ECMAScript proposals, npm modules, and online articles.

About the Contributors

Cinzia Giammarchi
Cinzia Giammarchi

EU Project Researcher and Interpreter

Italian, English and Russian interpreter and translator, Cinzia helped me review the language and grammar of the book.

Table of Contents

      • audience: who is this book for
      • how to read this book
      • special thanks
      • technical editor
      • the author
      • what this book is about
      • what this book is not
      • debug
      • comments
      • operators
      • parenthesis
      • brackets
      • references
      • variables
      • constants
      • types
      • invoke
      • function declaration VS function expression
      • named function expressions
      • scope
      • private and nested scope
      • context
      • global context
      • method context
      • invoking a function via call or apply
      • explicit context
      • arguments
      • Array and generic collections iteration
      • for loop
      • incremental ++ operator
      • Array methods
      • array.forEach(callback, context)
      •, context) → newArray
      • array.filter(callback, context) → newArray
      • array.some(callback, context) → boolean
      • array.every(callback, context) → boolean
      • array.indexOf(value, fromIndex) → number
      • prototype and prototypal inheritance
      • genericA.isPrototypeOf(genericB) → boolean
      • Object.prototype
      • object.toString() → string
      • native
      • class
      • constructor
      • instance
      • inheritance
      • the in operator
      • for/in loop
      • enumerable
      • object.propertyIsEnumerable(name) → boolean
      • object.hasOwnProperty(name) → boolean
      • shared properties
      • getters and setters
      • descriptors
      • Object.defineProperty(obj, name, descriptor) → obj
      • try catch finally
      • which descriptor for what
      • common property descriptor
      • common class and native method descriptor
      • common defensive method descriptor
      • common lazy property descriptor
      • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name) → desc
      • Object.defineProperties(obj, descriptors) → obj
      • delete
      • Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj) → arrayOfAllNames
      • Object.keys(obj) → arrayOfOwnEnumerableNames
      • public and public static
      • extends
      • super
      • implements
      • interfaces
      • trait and mixin
      • if else switch and conditional logic
      • conditional statement
      • ternary operator
      • switch statement
      • logical || operator
      • logical && operator
      • truthy and falsy values
      • antipattern
      • DOM
      • tree
      • Web IDL
      • EventTarget registration interface
      • void
      • DOMString
      • EventListener
      • EventListener using a function
      • function bind
      • Event
      • browser events
      • bubbling and capturing
      • event.stopPropagation()
      • event.preventDefault()
      • CustomEvent
      • EventEmitter
      • signature
      • parameters
      • node.js events
      • WeakMap
      • Symbol
      • primitives
      • Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj) → arrayOfSymbols
      • shared Symbols
      • special Symbols
      • for/of loop
      • fat arrow
      • generator
      • yield
      • → {done:boolean, value:any}
      • generator.throw(error)
      • Promises
      • promise.then(resolved, rejected) → newPromise
      • promise.then(resolved).catch(anyError) → newPromise
      • promise.then(fn).then(fn).then(fn) → newPromise
      • Promise.all(arrayOfPromises) → newPromise
      • Promise.resolve(value) → newPromise
      • Generators and Promises
      • Timers
      • setTimeout(fn, delay, arg1, arg2, argN) → timerIdentifier
      • clearTimeout(timerIidentifier)
      • setInterval(fn, delay, arg1, arg2, argN) → timerIdentifier
      • clearInterval(timerIdentifier)
      • requestAnimationFrame(fn) → rafIdentifier
      • process.nextTick(fn)
      • requestIdleCallback(fn, waitExpiresIn) → ricIdentifier
      • template strings
      • tagged template strings
      • regular expression
      • JSON
      • Math
      • parseInt(string, base) → integerNumber
      • parseFloat(string) → floatNumber
  • Recent ECMAScript features
      • let declaration
      • rest parameters
      • spread operator
      • Map
      • Set, and WeakSet
      • Proxy
      • destructuring
  • JavaScript F.A.Q. on demand
      • Useful links

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