JavaScript & DOM Tips, Tricks, and Techniques (Volume 4)
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JavaScript & DOM Tips, Tricks, and Techniques (Volume 4)

Quick Tips and Tutorials for all Levels of JavaScript and Front-end Development

About the Book

This is a collection of JavaScript and DOM scripting applicable to all levels of JavaScript and front-end development. Most of the tips cover techniques and technologies that work in all modern browsers and most older browsers.

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About the Author

Louis Lazaris
Louis Lazaris

Louis is a front-end developer, author, and speaker, who has been involved in the web design and development industry since 2000. He blogs at Impressive Webs and curates a weekly newsletter called Web Tools Weekly, focused on tools for front-end developers.

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Table of Contents

  • Using Array.sort()
  • Click Events on <label> Elements
  • change vs. input Events on Different Elements
  • Keys in ES6 Maps
  • window.scrollTo()
  • Third Parameter for addEventListener()
  • Clearing JavaScript Timers
  • Node.isConnected
  • Different Ways to Get Element Dimensions
  • Efficient Event Delegation
  • Mouse Wheel Events
  • DOM Element Dimensions and CSS Transforms
  • Using const in the Global Scope
  • Array.fill()
  • Array Method Returns
  • JavaScript Thunk
  • Array.includes()
  • elseif in JavaScript
  • Object.preventExtensions()
  • Applying a Method on a Number
  • classList with Multiple Classes
  • globalThis
  • Property Descriptors
  • history.scrollRestoration
  • Object.assign()
  • Using the File API
  • New String Methods
  • Array.entries()
  • Object.keys() and Object.values()
  • Destructuring Multiple Function Parameters
  • Building A Quick-and-dirty Code Editor
  • Remove All Falsy Values from an Array
  • focus() with preventScroll
  • Fixing focus() on mousedown
  • keypress Event now Deprecated
  • The beforeinput Event
  • An Intro to JavaScript Generator Functions
  • The FormData() Constructor
  • $(document).ready() in Vanilla JavaScript
  • Array.flat()
  • The Optional Chaining Operator
  • More on the Optional Chaining Operator
  • The Nullish Coalescing Operator
  • The Exponentiation Operator
  • Regex Sticky Flag
  • import.meta
  • Element.closest()
  • Anatomy of a URL with the Location Object
  • Writing Clean, Maintainable Code
  • The return Statement
  • replaceWith()
  • monitorEvents()
  • RORO Pattern
  • Magic Numbers
  • instanceOf
  • Replacing Logical Or
  • Image.complete
  • Remove Empty Array Slots
  • Array Equality
  • RegExp dotAll
  • Async/Await Functions
  • The URL() API
  • Deep Copy vs. Shallow Copy
  • The label Property for Form Elements
  • Object.freeze() and Object.seal()
  • JavaScript Classes
  • Event Properties
  • Everything You Wanted to Know About Infinity in JavaScript
    • What is Infinity?
    • When is Infinity Returned?
    • Checking for Infinity
    • Infinity Can Be Positive or Negative
    • Infinity as a Default Value
    • Beware of Infinity when Converting to JSON
  • The Drag and Drop API
    • Drag and Drop with the dataTransfer Object
    • Using setDragImage() with Drag and Drop
    • Different Drag Events
    • Elements That are Draggable By Default
    • Using The effectAllowed Property
  • Fading in a Page on Load with CSS & JavaScript
    • Steps I Want to Accomplish
    • The Code
    • Conclusion
  • Using the adoptNode() Method with Embedded iframes
    • Re-Adopting Elements from the Parent
    • Use Cases for This?

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