Java Systems Design Interview Challenger
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Java Systems Design Interview Challenger

Pass Java System Design interviews by understanding the fundamentals of a cloud system's components. Don't try to learn all the tools, focus on concepts instead.

About the Book

Nowadays, most companies ask for system design knowledge in their interviews. In this book, you will learn the fundamentals of a cloud system, how to make it scalable, and how to build robust systems.

Instead of learning tools, focus on the concepts so you don't waste time trying to learn everything.

About the Author

Rafael Chinelato del Nero
Rafael Chinelato del Nero

Rafael del Nero is a Java Champion & Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, creator of the Java Challengers initiative and quiz master in Oracle Dev Gym, is the author of "Golden Lessons - 100 Insights to Overcome Life's Challenges and Achieve Your Career Dreams." Rafael believes there are many techniques involved in creating high-quality software that developers are often unaware of. His life's purpose is to help Java developers use better programming practices to code quality software for stress-free projects with fewer bugs.

Table of Contents

    • Preface
      • Motivation
      • Objectives
      • Scope and Limitations
      • Target Audience
      • Special Features
    • Systems Design Interview - How it works
    • Author’s Credentials
    • 1 - Introduction
      • How Does a Systems Design Interview Work?
      • Key Considerations for a Systems Design Interview
      • Key Characteristics You Should Know for a Systems Design Interview
      • Components You Should Know for a Systems Design Interview
      • Technologies You Should Know for a Systems Design Interview
      • Summary
    • 2 - Fundamentals of Availability
      • Why Systems Availability is Important?
      • Availability Legal Agreement
      • SLA – Service Level Agreement
      • SLO – Service Level Objective
      • SLI – Service Level Indicator
      • Nines of Availability
      • Redundancy
      • Passive redundancy
      • Active Redundancy
      • What is the Cost of Highly-Available Systems?
      • Summary
    • 3 - Client Server Model
      • Client-server Model Diagram
      • What is IP?
      • What is a port?
      • What is DNS?
      • What is HTTP?
      • What Applications use the Client-server Model?
      • Summary
    • 4 - Protocols
      • IP – Internet protocol
      • TCP
      • HTTP
      • HTTP Request Header
      • HTTP Methods
      • HTTP Response Codes
      • Other Internet Protocols
      • Summary
    • 5 - Effective API Design
      • What is an API?
      • What is REST?
      • API Most Used Protocols
      • The API design must be defensible
      • API Versioning
      • Stripe API
      • Summary
    • 6 - Storage and Databases
      • Computer Storage
      • Data in Disk
      • Data in Memory
      • Databases
      • ACID Transactions
      • NoSQL
      • CAP Theorem
      • When to use Relational Database in a Systems Design Interview?
      • When to Use NoSQL Database in a Systems Design Interview?
      • It doesn’t support ACID.
      • Summary
    • 7 - Proxy
      • Reverse Proxy
      • Forward Proxy VS Reverse Proxy
      • Proxy Technologies
      • Conclusion
    • 8 - Latency and Throughput
      • Latency
      • What can affect latency?
      • Simulation of Latency Time for Data Reading
      • Why latency is important
      • Throughput
      • Bandwidth
      • Analogy Explanation from Throughput, Latency, and Bandwidth
      • Throughput vs. Bandwidth
      • Summary
    • 9 - Load Balancer
      • Types of Load Balancer
      • Microservices Load Balancer
      • Weighted Round Robin Load balancer
      • Summary
    • 10 - Hashing
      • What is Hashing?
      • Where to Use Hashing?
      • Practical Java Hash Example
      • Server Selection
      • Types of Hashing
      • Consistent Hashing
      • Rendezvous Hashing
      • SHA Detailed Explanation
      • Difference Between Hashing and Cryptography
      • Reversibility
      • Key Usage
      • Security Goals
      • Difference Between Hashing and Encoding
      • Summary
    • 11 - Cache
      • Eviction Cache Policies
      • LRU (Least Recently Used)
      • LRU General Use Cases
      • LRU Real-World Use Cases
      • Least Frequently Used (LFU)
      • LFU General Use Cases
      • Real Use Cases from LFU
      • Write Through Cache
      • Advantages of Write-Through Cache
      • Disadvantages of Write-Through Cache
      • Memoization
      • FIFO Cache
      • LIFO
      • Weighted Random Replacement (WRR)
      • What is stale Data?
      • Cache Technologies
      • Buffer VS Cache
      • Summary
    • 12 - Specific Storage Paradigms
      • Blob Store
      • When to Use Blob?
      • Where to Store Blog Data?
      • Time Series DB
      • Time Series DB Technologies
      • Graph DB
      • Graph DB Technologies
      • When to Use Graph DB?
      • Spatial DB
      • Technologies to Use Spatial DB
      • When to Use Spatial DB?
      • Summary
    • 13 - Database Replica and Sharding
      • Database Replica
      • Types of Database Replica
      • When to Use Database Replica?
      • Real World Use Cases for Database Replica
      • Technologies for Database Replica
      • Database Sharding
      • Real World Use Cases for Database Sharding
      • Benefits of Sharding
      • Challenges of Sharding
      • Types of Database Sharding
      • Technologies for Database Sharding
      • Summary
    • 14 - Leader Election
      • What is Leader Election?
      • Challenges of Leader Election
      • Technologies for Leader Election
      • Summary
    • 15 Peer-to-peer
      • What is the problem Peer-To-Peer Networks Solve?
      • Solution from Peer-to-Peer Network
      • Types of Peer-to-Peer Network
      • Technologies that Use Peer-to-peer
      • Gossip Protocol
      • Gossip protocols offer several advantages in P2P networks:
      • Summary
    • 16 - Periodic Pooling and Streaming
      • What is Periodic Pooling?
      • What is the Problem that Streaming Solve?
      • Technologies that Use Periodic Pooling
      • How Does Streaming Work?
      • What Is the Use Case of Streaming?
      • Technologies that Use Streaming
      • Summary
    • 17 - Static and Dynamic Configuration
      • Pros and cons of Static Configuration
      • 4 – Now, we can print the value of the static configuration
      • Pros and Cons of Dynamic Configuration
      • Example of Dynamic Configuration with Java
      • Summary
    • 18 - Rate Limiting
      • Rate Limiting Use Cases
      • Rate Limiting Example with Spring
      • Summary
    • 19 - Logging and Monitoring
      • Logging
      • Logging Best Practices
      • Monitoring
      • Metrics
      • Tracing
      • Technologies to Use Logging and Monitoring
      • Summary
    • 20 - Message Broker
      • Publisher
      • Subscriber
      • Topic
      • Multiple Topics
      • Message Broker Sharding
      • Idempotent Operation
      • Non-idempotent operation
      • Deduplication
      • Order of Messages
      • Guaranteed to be Delivered at Least Once
      • Dead-letter Queue
      • Message Broker Technologies
      • Summary
    • 21 - Map Reduce
      • Idempotent Map Reduce Operations
      • Java Map Reduce Functions
      • Distributed File System
      • Example of Hadoop Using DFS
      • Situations to Use Map-Reduce
      • Map Reduce Technologies
      • Conclusion
    • 22 - Security with HTTPS
      • The Problem with HTTP
      • Man in the Middle Attack
      • HTTPS Process
      • Symmetric Encryption key
      • AES Symmetric Encryption
      • Asymmetric Encryption Key
      • SSL certificate (Secure socket layer)
      • Certificate Authority
      • Certificate Authority Examples
      • TLS handshake
      • HTTPS
      • Summary
    • 23 - Design Amazon
      • Ask clarifying questions
      • DB Model Design
      • Highlevel Systems design
      • Summary
    • 24 - Design Discord
      • Clarifying Questions to Design Discord
      • Cloud Technologies for Discord
      • Discord Implementation Technologies
      • Basic Database model from Discord
      • Summary
    • 25 - Design Instagram
    • 26 - Design Netflix with Java
      • Design Netflix Clarifying Questions
      • Netflix High-LevelTechnologies Technologies
      • Design Netflix DB Model
      • General Technologies for Netflix Systems Design
      • Java Technologies to Develop Netflix
      • Summary
    • 28 Next Steps
    • Recap of Key Concepts
    • Do Interviews - Practice, Practice, Practice
    • Join Communities and Networks
    • Diversify Your Knowledge
    • Seek Feedback
    • Take the Challenger Developer Course
    • Conclusion

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