The Jackson Cookbook
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The Jackson Cookbook

JSON Recipes in Java

About the Book

Jackson is a popular, high-performance JSON processor for Java. Jackson can support almost any JSON need that you might have, but that flexibility can make it complex to use. This book takes a problem and then shows, with lots of code and JSON examples, how to solve that problem using various Jackson features. Many of these problems were ones I encountered integrating JSON support with a "legacy" codebase, i.e., a codebase where I couldn't modify the code, using Data Binding, but I'll also cover some of the Streaming API that's used within custom serializers/deserializers. As a bonus, the Appendix contains a description of JSON tools that I've found useful along the way.

Topics Covered:

  • Configuring the ObjectMapper with pretty-printing, null-handling, and more
  • Integrating with legacy or third-party code using mix-ins
  • Ignoring properties and types and adjusting property auto-detection
  • Writing custom serializers and deserializers
  • Using @JsonCreator and value instantiators
  • Grouping customizations into Modules

Problems Welcome!

If you're using Jackson, and have a pesky problem (or solution!), don't hesitate to post it in the book discussion group here: and I may include it in the next release of this book.

Jackson Version:

Note that this book covers only the 2.x version of Jackson, not the earlier 1.x releases.

Early Access

Following the LeanPub credo, publish early and often, I am publishing this book even though only 2 chapters (and 2 appendices) have been written. As an early buyer you can purchase the book at bargain price. As more chapters are completed and published, the minimum price will go up.

About the Author

Ted M. Young
Ted M. Young

Java developer since 1996 (yeah, when Java was in beta!), expert in OO, TDD, software architecture (whatever that means), and troubleshooting. Loves mentoring, teaching, and writing about coding. Currently training developers in Java, Spring, and IntelliJ IDEA.

Table of Contents

  • Release Notes
    • Version 0.3
    • Version 0.2
    • Version 0.1
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
    • Problems Welcome!
  • Configuring JSON Formatting
    • Recipe: Make JSON Output More Readable
    • Recipe: Suppress null values globally
    • Recipe: Ordering properties in JSON output
    • General ObjectMapper tip
  • Mix-Ins
    • What they are
    • What they’re not
    • Two styles of Mix-ins
    • Recipe: Stand-alone mix-in classes
    • Recipe: Make a POJO deserializable
  • Appendix: JSON Information
    • JSON Defined
    • JSON Schema
  • Appendix: JSON Tools
    • JSON Lint
    • JSON Editor Online
  • Appendix: Java JSON Tools
    • JSON Schema to Java POJO

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