Create PDF from HTML with pdfHTML
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Create PDF from HTML with pdfHTML

Generate PDF documents using HTML and CSS as template format

About the Book

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This is a step by step guide on how to use the iText 7 add-on pdfHTML.

This tutorial consists of 7 chapters:

  • Chapter 1: Hello HTML to PDF: consists of a series "Hello World" examples that explain the different approaches to convert HTML to PDF with the pdfHTML add-on,
  • Chapter 2: Defining Styles with CSS: explains the different approaches to use CSS to define styles for HTML... and PDF,
  • Chapter 3: Generating PDF based on Media Queries: demonstrates how a single HTML file can result in different PDF documents depending on Media Queries,
  • Chapter 4: Creating reports using pdfHTML: shows how data can be rendered to PDF using HTML and CSS to define the layout, and shares some best practices for creation industry-grade, future-proof reports, invoices, catalogues,... involving standards such as PDF/A and PDF/UA.
  • Chapter 5: Custom tag workers and CSS appliers: reveals how you can change the inner workings of pdfHTML and how to adapt the way HTML tags and CSS styles to your own needs,
  • Chapter 6: Using fonts in pdfHTML: talks about fonts, fonts, and fonts, listing the different types of fonts that are supported, how to select fonts, how to use a different encoding, and how to create international documents (with content in Russian, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and many other languages),
  • Chapter 7: Frequently Asked Questions about pdfHTML: reuses a dozen of questions that were posted in the past about XML Worker, for which we now provide an answer using iText 7 and pdfHTML.

About the Author

iText Software
iText Software

iText is one of the fastest growing technology companies in the digital document space. The company’s flagship product is an open source software library to create and manipulate PDF documents in Java and .NET (C#). There are currently millions of iText users, both open source (AGPL) and commercial. iText’s customers (software developers, technology vendors, software integrators) span the fields of technology, financial, public, government and health care sectors including many of the Fortune 500 companies. iText has dedicated international teams with offices in Belgium (Ghent), South Korea (Seoul), Singapore and in the USA (Boston). 

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Hello HTML to PDF
    • Structure of the examples
    • Converting HTML to PDF
    • Converting HTML to iText objects
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Defining styles with CSS
    • Old-fashioned HTML
    • Inline CSS
    • Internal CSS
    • External CSS
    • Using absolute positioning
    • Adding “Page X of Y” using an @page rule
    • Adding page breaks
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Generating PDF based on Media Queries
    • Examining the example HTML file
    • Creating a PDF file for Print
    • Responsiveness in HTML
    • Creating a PDF for the desktop
    • Creating a PDF for a tablet
    • Creating a PDF for a smartphone
    • The semantic structure of a document
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Creating reports using pdfHTML
    • Description of a use case
    • Converting XML to HTML using XSLT
    • Adding a background and a custom header or footer
    • Converting an HTML page to a single-page PDF
    • Adding bookmarks to a report
    • Creating PDF/A documents with pdfHTML
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Custom tag workers and CSS appliers
    • Changing the behavior of a tag
    • Introducing custom tags
    • Creating your own ITagWorker implementation
    • Creating custom CSS appliers
    • Implementing your own custom CSS
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Using fonts in pdfHTML
    • Standard Type 1 fonts
    • Fonts shipped with iText
    • System fonts
    • Web Open Font Format fonts
    • Adding selected fonts to the font provider
    • Choosing the right order for your font selection
    • Choosing the encoding that is right for you
    • Internationalization
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Frequently Asked Questions about pdfHTML
    • How to convert an ASP or JSP page to PDF?
    • How to parse multiple HTML files into one PDF?
    • Can pdfHTML render Base64 images to PDF?
    • Can I generate a PDF from a URL instead of from a file on disk?
    • Do we need a browser engine to render HTML+CSS to PDF
    • Does my HTML have to be valid XML?
    • How to add metadata to a PDF using pdfHTML?
    • How do the measurement systems in HTML relate to the measurement system in PDF?
    • Can I convert an HTML form to a PDF?
    • How to render certain HTML entities (such as arrows) to PDF?
    • Why can’t I embed a font due to licensing restrictions?
    • Which languages are supported in pdfHTML?
    • How to convert HTML containing Arabic/Hebrew characters to PDF?
    • Why is my PDF missing several characters?

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