iOS Accessibility Handbook
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iOS Accessibility Handbook

A clear, concise and complete reference.

About the Book

A clear, complete and concise handbook with practical examples for anyone designing, developing or creating iOS apps. Learn how Accessibility can make your app easier to use for everyone, more robust, and reach a wider audience. First of the kind resource for iOS.

In the first version: 30 clear guidelines for designers and developers, each describing benefits, conformance instructions, and practical examples. Plus: Accessibility Semantic Audit and iOS Accessibility API Quick Technical Reference.

About the Author

Luis Abreu
Luis Abreu

Luis Abreu is a UX Designer who believes cross-domain knowledge is key to building great products. Besides design, he spends time learning more about business, psychology, and iOS technical details. He writes about design and his work on his personal website.

Table of Contents

  • About the Author
  • Dedication
  • Terms
      • Disability
      • Impairment
      • Impairment Nature (IN)
      • Internal Impairment (II)
      • External Impairment (EI)
      • Hearing Impairment
      • Learning and Literacy Impairment
      • Physical and Motor Skills Impairment
      • Vision Impairment
      • Accessibility Conformance Levels (ACL)
      • Assistive Technologies (AT)
      • Accessibility Semantics (AS)
      • Guided Access (GA)
      • Switch Control (SC)
      • VoiceOver (VO)
      • Default Presentation (DP)
      • Automated Testing
      • BCP 47 Language Specification
  • Introduction
  • iOS Assistive Technologies
    • Low Effort—High Reward
      • Low Effort
      • High Reward
  • Creativity
  • Guidelines
    • Summary
    • Principles
    • 1. Perceivable
      • 1.1 Text Alternatives
      • 1.2 Time-based Media
      • 1.3 Adaptable
      • 1.4 Distinguishable
    • 2. Operable
      • 2.1 VoiceOver Accessible
      • 2.2 Enough Time
      • 2.3 Seizures
      • 2.4 Navigable
    • 3. Understandable
      • 3.1 Readable
      • 3.2 Predictable
      • 3.3 Input Assistance
    • 4. Robust
      • 4.1 Compatible
  • Conformance
    • Accessibility Semantics Audit
      • Is it relevant for Accessibility?
      • Is it succinctly and accurately identified?
      • Are Behavior, Impact, Type and State perceivable?
      • Is its value accurate at any point in time?
      • Are outcome and interaction understood?
      • Where is it?
  • Technical Reference
    • Intro
    • UIAccessibility
      • accessibilityActivationPoint
      • accessibilityElementsHidden
      • accessibilityFrame
      • accessibilityHint
      • accessibilityLabel
      • accessibilityLanguage
      • accessibilityNavigationStyle
      • accessibilityTraits
      • accessibilityPath
      • accessibilityValue
      • accessibilityViewIsModal
      • isAccessibilityElement
      • shouldGroupAccessibilityChildren
    • UIAccessibilityContainer
      • accessibilityElementAtIndex
      • accessibilityElementCount
      • accessibilityElements
      • indexOfAccessibilityElement
    • UIAccessibilityElement
      • accessibilityContainer
    • UIAccessibilityAction
      • accessibilityActivate
      • accessibilityCustomActions
      • accessibilityDecrement
      • accessibilityIncrement
      • accessibilityPerformEscape
      • accessibilityPerformMagicTap
      • accessibilityScroll
    • UIAccessibilityCustomAction
    • Accessibility Accommodations
      • .DarkerSystemColorsEnabled
      • .IsBoldTextEnabled
      • .IsClosedCaptioningEnabled
      • .IsGrayscaleEnabled
      • .IsGuidedAccessEnabled
      • .IsInvertColorsEnabled
      • .IsMonoAudioEnabled
      • .IsReduceMotionEnabled
      • .IsShakeToUndoEnabled
      • .IsSpeakScreenEnabled
      • .IsSpeakSelectionEnabled
      • .IsSwitchControlRunning
      • .IsVoiceOverRunning
    • Accessibility Notifications
    • Assistive Technology Identifiers
      • .SwitchControlIdentifier
      • .VoiceOverIdentifier
    • Post
      • .AnnouncementNotification
      • .PauseAssistiveTechnologyNotification
      • .ResumeAssistiveTechnologyNotification
      • .RegisterGestureConflictWithZoom
      • .RequestGuidedAccessSession
      • .ZoomFocusChanged
    • Observe
    • Assistive Technology State Changes
      • .AnnouncementDidFinishNotification
      • .GuidedAccessStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .SpeakScreenStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .SpeakSelectionStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .SwitchControlStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .VoiceOverStatusChanged
    • Accessibility Accommodations State Changes
      • .BoldTextStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .InvertColorsStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .DarkerSystemColorsStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .GrayscaleStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .MonoAudioStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .ClosedCaptioningStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .ReduceMotionStatusDidChangeNotification
      • .ReduceTransparencyStatusDidChangeNotification
      • UIContentSizeCategoryDidChangeNotification
    • Content Changes
      • .LayoutChangedNotification
      • .ScreenChangedNotification
      • .PageScrolledNotification
    • Control Events
      • .AllEvents
      • .AllTouchEvents
      • .AllEditingEvents
      • .EditingDidBegin
      • .EditingDidEnd
      • .EditingDidEndOnExit
      • .PrimaryActionTriggered
      • .TouchDown
      • .TouchDownRepeat
      • .TouchDragInside
      • .TouchDragEnter
      • .TouchDragExit
      • .TouchUpInside
      • .TouchUpOutside
      • .TouchCancel
      • .ValueChanged
    • Customizing Speech
      • .Pitch
      • .Punctuation
      • .Language
    • Helpers
      • UIAccessibilityConvertFrameToScreenCoordinates
      • UIAccessibilityConvertPathToScreenCoordinates
      • UIGuidedAccessRestrictionStateForIdentifier

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