Intermediate Python
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Intermediate Python

About the Book

The python ecosystem is awash with books for beginners but few books target readers that are past the beginning stages but are not yet advanced users. The book aims to bridge that gap.

The content of this book looks primarily at the various means for code organization in Python and provides user with a rigorous grounding in these. it dives into topics such as python object system, functions, decorators, metaprogramming and generators providing the reader with an in-depth knowledge of these topics that is essential for writing idiomatic and robust python code. It aims to  provide a reader with not only a how-to but also a why for Python concepts. Concepts are well explained with abundance of code snippets.

If you are looking for a book to take you beyond the beginner level in python, this is definitely the right book for you.

About the Author

Obi Ike-Nwosu
Obi Ike-Nwosu

Obi has more than five years of experience using Python. His interests include but are not limited to algorithms, mathematics, computer security, writing, developmental economics, business and problem solving in general.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Acknowledgements
  • 2. An Introduction
    • 2.1 The Evolution of Python
    • 2.2 Python 2 vs Python 3
    • 2.3 The Python Programming Language
  • 3. A Very Short Tutorial
    • 3.1 Using Python
    • 3.2 Python Statements, Line Structure and Indentation
    • 3.3 Strings
    • 3.4 Flow Control
    • 3.5 Functions
    • 3.6 Data Structures
    • 3.7 Classes
    • 3.8 Modules
    • 3.9 Exceptions
    • 3.10 Input and Output
    • 3.11 Getting Help
  • 4. Intermezzo: Glossary
    • 4.1 Names and Binding
    • 4.2 Code Blocks
    • 4.3 Name-spaces
    • 4.4 Scopes
    • 4.5 eval()
    • 4.6 exec()
  • 5. Objects 201
    • 5.1 Strong and Weak Object References
    • 5.2 The Type Hierarchy
      • None Type
      • NotImplemented Type
      • Ellipsis Type
      • Numeric Type
      • Sequence Type
      • Set
      • Mapping
      • Callable Types
      • Custom Type
      • Module Type
      • File/IO Types
      • Built-in Types
  • 6. Object Oriented Programming
    • 6.1 The Mechanics of Class Definitions
      • Class Objects
      • Instance Objects
      • Method Objects
    • 6.2 Customizing User-defined Types
      • Special methods for Type Emulation
      • Special Methods for comparing objects
      • Special Methods and Attributes for Miscellaneous Customizations
    • 6.3 A Vector class
    • 6.4 Inheritance
      • The super keyword
      • Multiple Inheritance
    • 6.5 Static and Class Methods
      • Static Methods
      • Class Methods
    • 6.6 Descriptors and Properties
      • Enter Python Descriptors
      • Class Properties
    • 6.7 Abstract Base Classes
  • 7. The Function
    • 7.1 Function Definitions
    • 7.2 Functions are Objects
    • 7.3 Functions are descriptors
    • 7.4 Calling Functions
      • Unpacking Function Argument
      • * and ** Function Parameters
    • 7.5 Nested functions and Closures
    • 7.6 A Byte of Functional Programming
      • The Basics
      • Comprehensions
      • Functools
      • Sequences and Functional Programming
  • 8. Iterators and Generators
    • 8.1 Iterators
      • The Itertools Module
    • 8.2 Generators
      • Generator Functions
      • Generator Expressions
      • The Beauty of Generators and Iterators
    • 8.3 From Generators To Coroutines
      • Simulating Multitasking with Coroutines
    • 8.4 The yield from keyword
    • 8.5 A Game of Life
  • 9. MetaProgramming and Co.
    • 9.1 Decorators
      • Function Decorators
      • Decorators in Python
      • Passing Arguments To Decorated Functions
      • Decorator Functions with Arguments
      • Functools.wrap
      • Class Decorators
    • 9.2 Decorator Recipes
    • 9.3 Metaclasses
      • Metaclasses in Action
      • Overriding __new__ vs __init__ in Custom Metaclasses
    • 9.4 Context Managers
      • The Contextlib module
  • 10. Modules And Packages
    • 10.1 Modules
      • Reloading Modules
    • 10.2 How are Modules found?
    • 10.3 Packages
      • Regular Packages
      • Namespace Packages
    • 10.4 The Import System
      • The Import Search Process
      • Why You Probably Should Not Reload Modules…
    • 10.5 Distributing Python Programs
  • 11. Inspecting Objects
    • 11.1 Handling source code
    • 11.2 Inspecting Classes and Functions
    • 11.3 Interacting with Interpreter Stacks
  • 12. The Zen of Python …

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