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Über das Buch
For English-speaking readers
My book is written in German. That's why I would like to attract English-speaking readers. There is a large community in the United States dedicated to the research of Integral Awareness. The discovery of integral awareness in the work of great post-war Americans and Russians is certainly of great importance not only to this community. It could help many Americans and Anglophones to better understand their current political situation. A good translation of my book will pay off.
My book deals about the mutation of human consciousness to integral awareness. The mutation intensified, after Einstein had published his first theory of relativity in 1905 and has since unfolded unspectacularly. "Since the positive, the constructive is happening more quietely than the roaring caused by the collapse, these countercurrents are easily overheard in a world of the Twiligth of the Gods and a certain desire for destruction." That's what Jean Gebser used to say. He has discovered and researched the mutations of consciousness.
Where do we stand today in this process? Why is the question important to us? When the positive happens silently, the tracks it leaves are inaudible. Anyone who has perceived them can no longer be stupefied by the noise of the Twilight of the Gods.
The search for clues in the great post-war Americans - James B. Donovan, John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama - has brought extraordinary results. In the next volume, the great Russians Sakharov, Khrushchev and Gorbachev will be examined.
Über den Autor
Hans Werner Körtgen, born in Germany 1947, has passed the prescribed exams in theology, philosophy and social sciences in a Catholic study order became a miner, founded an academy for disadvantaged young people, turned to information technology, where he spent 25 years as a freelance system and database administrator on behalf of banks, public companies and IT corporations.
In retirement, he dedicated himself to the relation between information technology and politics. This resulted in numerous essays, blogs and his new book International Awareness in Politics.The first volume is published on LeanPub in German, with a little info about the book in English.