Individual Teen Development
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Individual Teen Development

Is your child out of control?

About the Book

YOU JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND!!” All parents have heard this statement quite often from their teenager. As if to say, we were never teenagers ourselves. As parents, we hate to see our child hurting and we desperately seek ways to bring back that happy loving child that was so excited to see you when you walked through the door. So, you find yourself reading everything possible to help answer the biggest questions…What Happened? Your days are now filled with a young person who lоѕеѕ their tеmреr, lіеѕ, аrguеѕ wіth you аbоut аlmоѕt еvеrуthіng, brеаkѕ rules rереаtеdlу, refuses tо dо what уоu аѕk аnd hаѕ nо respect fоr уоu. The next question is…How Do I fix this?? The first thing you need to know is that this is a normal stage of development. But normal doesn’t mean easy. It is a crucial time where you need to communicate more with a young person that cannot put into words all the chaos they are going through physically and emotionally. What is needed are new ideas аnd ѕtrаtеgіеѕ for dеаlіng with уоur teenager.  Pеrhарѕ ѕоmе unconventional ideas frоm an аuthоrіtу оn dealing with kids could bе juѕt thе аnѕwеr уоu аrе lооkіng for.  

About the Author

Elizabeth Harville
Elizabeth Harville

I am a speaker, author, and family coach with more than 25 years of experience working with families in the community. I began my career teaching elementary, middle, and high school. During this time, I saw a need for more in-depth interaction between parents and students. As a teacher, this is not always feasible. I transitioned to mental health services as a case manager for a nonprofit agency. It was in this capacity that I fine-tuned my skills in working with families of at-risk youth. As my knowledge and skills grew, my effective process was known within my community. This gave me the opportunity to work in the Department of Juvenile Justice as a Juvenile Court Counselor. There, I worked on a caseload of clients which allowed me to work with the youth and their families for several years. Additionally, I was able to structure a plan for these families with the goal of steering their child to become productive citizens who have goals and dreams of a bright future. I have also spoken in front of several audiences such as schools, churches, and youth groups which allowed me to put resources in the hands of parents needing assistance. I am grateful to be allowed the opportunity to impact the lives of these youth in anyway I can.  


Table of Contents

Introduction                                                                                                     4

The Facts: It's A Tough Job Raising Teenagers in Today's World                 8

Teenagers Out of Control - Where Do You Go for Help?                             11

Understanding and Dealing with Teenage Behavioral Problems                 14                                                                           

Conclusion                                                                                                    29

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