In-Memory Analytics with Apache Arrow - Second Edition
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In-Memory Analytics with Apache Arrow - Second Edition

Accelerate data analytics for efficient processing of flat and hierarchical data structures

About the Book

Apache Arrow is an open source, columnar in-memory data format designed for efficient data processing and analytics. This book harnesses the author’s 15 years of experience to show you a standardized way to work with tabular data across various programming languages and environments, enabling high-performance data processing and exchange. This updated second edition gives you an overview of the Arrow format, highlighting its versatility and benefits through real-world use cases. It guides you through enhancing data science workflows, optimizing performance with Apache Parquet and Spark, and ensuring seamless data translation. You’ll explore data interchange and storage formats, and Arrow's relationships with Parquet, Protocol Buffers, FlatBuffers, JSON, and CSV. You’ll also discover Apache Arrow subprojects, including Flight, SQL, Database Connectivity, and nanoarrow. You’ll learn to streamline machine learning workflows, use Arrow Dataset APIs, and integrate with popular analytical data systems such as Snowflake, Dremio, and DuckDB. The latter chapters provide real-world examples and case studies of products powered by Apache Arrow, providing practical insights into its applications. By the end of this book, you’ll have all the building blocks to create efficient and powerful analytical services and utilities with Apache Arrow.

About the Author

Packt Publishing Ltd
Packt Publishing Ltd

Packt Publishing are an established global technical learning content provider, founded in Birmingham, UK with over twenty years’ experience in delivering premium rich content from ground-breaking authors on a wide range of emerging and popular technologies. Our titles have global relevance our multimedia portfolio includes over 9,000 books, e-books, audiobooks and video courses.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started with Apache Arrow
  2. Working with Key Arrow Specifications
  3. Format and Memory Handling
  4. Crossing the Language Barrier with the Arrow C Data API
  5. Acero: A Streaming Arrow Execution Engine
  6. Using the Arrow Datasets API
  7. Exploring Apache Arrow Flight RPC
  8. Understanding Arrow Database Connectivity (ADBC)
  9. Using Arrow with Machine Learning Workflows
  10. Powered by Apache Arrow
  11. How to Leave Your Mark on Arrow
  12. Future Development and Plans

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