I'm British So I Know How to Queue
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I'm British So I Know How to Queue

Writing long running RabbitMQ Consumers In PHP.

About the Book

Learn how to use RabbitMQ to seperate back end processing from user facing UI's, react to incoming events from remote 3rd party systems & increase system performance by splitting individual steps in a sequence into individual processes with PHP. 

The book starts with a very simple publisher-subscriber queue and goes on to describe techniques for handling large volumes of messages using multiple consumers, running those processes in the background and how to start and stop them gracefully.

You'll learn all about the different types of exhanges the problems they are good at solving as well as examples of real world problems solved using RabbitMQ & PHP.

About the Author

Stuart Grimshaw
Stuart Grimshaw

Stuart has spent almost 20 years as a Software Engineer and Software Engineering Manager, in industries as diverse as the haulage sector and local government via internet service provision, ecommerce and big data using languages like Visual Basic, Java, Delphi/Pascal, Perl & PHP as well as being a network engineer & sysadmin in between too.

He is currently co-organiser of ShefPHP, the Sheffield PHP User Group in South Yorkshire, where he lives with his wife & 2 kids and is an occasional conference speaker.


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About the Contributors

Ben Selby
Ben Selby


James Titcumb
James Titcumb


Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • Who is this book for.
    • Who is this book NOT for?
    • Typographic Conventions.
    • Key Benefits
    • Please help improve this book.
    • About the author.
    • About the cover
  • Why Bother Queueing?
    • A short history of message queues.
    • What can a message queue do?
    • Some real-world examples.
  • Yak Shaving
    • Development environment.
    • PHP - duh!
  • Creating your first consumer
    • Run some code
    • What’s going on?
  • Using Symfony’s Console Component
    • How to specify the queue on the command line.
  • Stopping the consumer
    • Catching the signal.
    • Adding a stop command
  • More than 1 consumer - For really busy queues.
    • Changes to PidHelper
    • Add Consumer Limits
    • Starting new consumers.
    • Multiple queues in action.
    • Busy consumers means busy producers.
  • Other ways to configure RabbitMQ.
    • Routing
    • Routing using Topics
    • Fan Out Routing.
    • Dead Letter Exchanges.

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