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About the Book
NOTE TO READERS: At the time I started this project, I was a different person, and the world was a different place. While I still believe deeply in the principles of this book, I have lost the passion I had for finishing a digital product that would produce passive income. It was also an experiment in self-publishing, and experiment that ultimately failed, as I have abandoned all of the primary social media channels I would have used for marketing such an endeavour. So, I've decided to retire this book rather than complete it.
If you purchased a copy, and your refund date with Leanpub has passed, please feel free to contact me at If you believe you're entitled to a refund, we will work something out directly.
Many years ago, my dear friend Ted Neward introduced me to the notion of Egoless Programming. The Ten Commandments described herein have guided (and chided) me throughout my career as a Software Engineer, Architect, Manager, and Field CTO.
While working my way through the January 2022 cohort of Ship 30 for 30, I decided to write an essay on the Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming, and it quickly became one of my most popular Atomic Essays. This inspired me to write a follow-up series of essays on each commandment, and several of these proved popular as well. I've now packaged and enriched these essays in book form.
I hope they inspire, guide, and chide you as you play the collaborative game we lovingly call Software Engineering.
About the Author
Member of the Shouting Class • Indignant Curmudgeon • Domain-Oriented Adaptive Software Architectures • Bitter Southerner • PKM • Staff+ Engineer •