How to survive as a programmer?


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How to survive as a programmer?

About the Book

The business of software development is very complex and the a life as a programmer is not easy at

all. Programmers have follow all change in the world of technology, but it is not enough. In order to

be a successful professional they need great skills for communication and planning, a good overview

on the different approaches of the software development and related topics (like testing,

requirement engineering or project management) and they have to understand what happens at their

company and at its competitors in order to lead their career in the right way.

There are already thousands of books about different technologies or dedicated fields, but I couldn’t

find a book which gives a good overview on the topics required to be known by every software


There are thousands of software developers around the world who are technically great, but they

can not build a good career due to the lack of soft skills. This book could really change their life.

The book has a focus on the following topics: roles and process of different approaches of software

development, useful technical knowledge for every software developer (regardless of programming

language), required soft skills for programmers and how to build a career.

About the Author

Marcell Lipp
Marcell Lipp

Hi, I'm Marcell, software developer in automotive business, proud dad of my daughter and fan of rock music.

I'm working since years as an automotive software developer. During this time I worked at multiple companies with different working cultures, with several different technologies and in multiple countries.

I'm eager to learn always something new about the world and I'm glad if I can share my experience with others.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Introduction to the world of programming
    • Roles at software companies
    • Possible team structures
    • Introduction to team management
    • Software development processes
    • Introduction to project management
  • Technical aspects of programming
    • What is requirement engineering?
    • How is a good software architecture?
    • Planning before coding - The software design
    • How to write good quality code?
    • How to debug your code?
    • How to refactor? - The refactoring guideline
    • Introduction to software testing
    • How to perform code reviews?
    • How to choose the right technical solution from a complexity point of view?
    • How to choose the right programming language?
    • Different programming paradigms
    • Different aspects of Test Driven Development
    • Version control systems
    • Continuous integration
    • Software quality assurance in practice
    • Which tools should be used for your project
  • Programmers are human, how do they work?
    • How to enjoy your project and improve your technical skills during daily work?
    • Programmers and soft skills
    • How to communicate as a programmer in different situations?
    • How to understand your project and your tasks as fast as possible?
    • How to motivate yourself?
    • The rules of efficient meetings
    • How to do a proper technical training for developers
    • How to make yourself more efficient?
    • Programming and family
    • How to measure the productivity of a developer?
    • How to manage your holidays?
  • Tips and tricks to survive
    • How could your manager understand your technical problems?
    • How to prepare for a feedback discussion with your boss?
    • How to deal with stress?
    • How to say no in a nice way to a meeting invitation?
    • Efficient home office
    • How to work With a Remote Developer Team
    • How to do real teamwork in a software team
    • Typical software developer colleagues
    • How to negotiate your work as a developer?
    • How to build up your programmer career
    • Programmer career paths
    • How to prepare yourself for an interview?
    • How to deal with recruiters?
    • How to negotiate your salary at an interview?
    • How to ask your boss for salary increment
    • How to choose the right company for you?
    • Being a specialist vs being a generalist
    • Levels of freedom as a programmer
    • How to extend your social network as a software developer?

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