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About the Book
Create hosting for your website with one line of code
A complete static site backed onto Amazon's incredible global Content Delivery Network and redudant DNS infrastructure.
With one line of code.
cloudformation create-stack --template-body file:// --cli-input-json file://config.json
All the steps for hosting a static site on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using CloudFormation, S3, Route53, SSL and the CloudFront or CloudFlare CDNs.
CloudFormation Starter KitGet started fast with our simple starter kit. All of the complex configuration has been wrapped into a simple CloudFormation template. Plus we talk you through setting up a new stack and provide straight forward steps for managing your new site with minimal manual configuration.
Best Practice SecurityLock down your account with detailed instructions on setting up a custom AWS Security Policy.
Free UpgradesKeep ahead of changes in technology with free upgrades. The book and free starter kit will be reguarly updated to reflect the state of the art in AWS.
Bonus Free TierAs an added bonus, for many sites, the AWS Free Tier means that hosting may be free for the first year.
What's Covered- An Introduction to Static Hosting on AWS
- Creating and Configuring an AWS Account and IAM User
- Granting User Security Access Permisions
- Installing and Configuring the AWS Shell
- Creating and Updating a Cloud Formation Stack
- Configuring SSL with Amazon Certificate Manager and Cloud Front
- Configuring SSL and CDN with CloudFlare
Part of the MicroManuals series by Toby Hede.
About the Author
Polyglot Programmer.
Zombie Astronautic Architect.
Author of 1..N Micromanuals
See also