The History of Computers and Who Created Them
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The History of Computers and Who Created Them

About the Book

About the Author

Table of Contents

    • Editor’s Note
      • The Ioka Project
      • Copyrights
      • Notes on Current Edition
    • Preface
      • Introduction to the History of Computing: Pioneers and Progress
      • Explanation of the book’s purpose and scope
      • Definitions of “computer” and “inventor” as used in the book
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 1: The Precursors
      • Introduction to the Evolution of Computing from Abaci to Mechanical Calculators
      • Early calculating devices and their inventors
      • The abacus
      • John Napier’s invention of logarithms and Napier’s Bones
      • Wilhelm Schickard’s calculating clock
      • Blaise Pascal’s Pascaline
      • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s Stepped Reckoner and binary system
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 2: The Visionaries
      • Chapter Introduction: The Progenitors of Modern Computing
      • Charles Babbage’s Difference Engine and Analytical Engine
      • Ada Lovelace’s contributions and the concept of programming
      • George Boole’s Boolean algebra and its impact
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 3: The Electromechanical Era
      • Introduction to Pioneers in Computing
      • Herman Hollerith and the Tabulating Machine Company
      • Vannevar Bush and the Differential Analyzer
      • Konrad Zuse’s Z series machines
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 4: The Electronic Revolution
      • Introduction to the Evolution of Electronic Computing
      • The invention of the electronic vacuum tube
      • The Colossus and its creators (Tommy Flowers and others)
      • John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry’s Atanasoff-Berry Computer
      • Harvard Mark I and Howard Aiken’s role
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 5: The Birth of the Modern Computer
      • Introduction to Chapter 5: The Genesis of Electronic Computing
      • In the appendices, you will find a wellspring of archival resources and scholarly citations, offering a portal for those intrigued by the foundational layers of the computer age. Join us on this journey through Chapter 5, as we illuminate the bedrock upon which the colossal empire of modern computing was constructed.
      • John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly’s ENIAC
      • The development of the stored-program concept (John von Neumann and others)
      • The EDVAC, the EDSAC, and the Univac
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 6: Transistors and the Miniaturization of Computers
      • Introduction to Chapter 6: Transistors and the Miniaturization of Computers
      • The invention of the transistor and its impact (William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain)
      • The first transistor computers
      • The role of the integrated circuit (Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce)
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 7: The Rise of the Giants – IBM
      • Introduction to IBM’s History and Impact on Computing
      • The history of IBM and its founding figures
      • IBM’s early computers and their evolution (System/360, etc.)
      • IBM’s impact on the industry and key people (Thomas J. Watson Sr. and Jr.)
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 8: The Power of Partnership – Hewlett-Packard
      • Introduction to Chapter 8: Hewlett-Packard’s Computing Legacy
      • The founding of Hewlett-Packard (Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard)
      • HP’s entry into computing
      • HP’s contribution to computer science and key innovations
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 9: The Unconventionals – Xerox PARC
      • Chapter Introduction: The Genesis of Modern Computing at Xerox PARC
      • The establishment of Xerox PARC and its visionary approach
      • Development of the Alto and graphical user interfaces
      • Profiles of key PARC personnel (Alan Kay, etc.)
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 10: The Home Computer Revolution
      • Introduction to the Chapter: The Home Computer Revolution
      • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak’s Apple Computer
      • The Altair 8800 and Bill Gates and Paul Allen’s involvement
      • The Commodore series and Jack Tramiel’s influence
      • The rise of IBM PC and clones
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 11: The Software Pioneers
      • Introduction to the History and Architects of Our Digital World
      • Microsoft and its contributions under Bill Gates
      • UNIX and its creators (Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie)
      • Linus Torvalds and the Linux phenomenon
      • The team behind the development of the World Wide Web (Tim Berners-Lee and others)
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 12: The Internet Age
      • Introduction to the Digital Odyssey: Tracing the Evolution of Computers and the Internet
      • The creation of ARPANET and the role of Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn
      • The evolution of personal computing and the Internet’s commercialization
      • The browser wars and the rise of Google
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 13: The Mobile Revolution
      • Introduction to Smartphones and Their Operating Systems: A Historical and Societal Perspective
      • The development of smartphones and their operating systems
      • Apple’s iPhone and the contributions of Steve Jobs and team
      • Google’s Android and the Open Handset Alliance
      • The tablet computing insights and products
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 14: Modern Computing Powers – The Big Four
      • Google: Larry Page and Sergey Brin profiles, and key products
      • Amazon: Jeff Bezos profile, cloud computing and impact on the industry
      • Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg profile, social media revolution
      • Apple’s resurgence: Tim Cook’s stewardship and innovation strategies
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Chapter 15: AI, Quantum Computing, and the Future
      • Introduction to Milestones, Predictions, and Ethics in Computer Science
      • Milestones in artificial intelligence – key figures and turning points
      • Quantum computing’s pioneers and current progress
      • Predictions and emerging technologies in computing
      • The ethical considerations and the people shaping these debates
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Epilogue
      • Introduction to the Social and Transformative Nature of Computing
      • The social impact of computing
      • The changing nature of computers in our daily lives
      • A reflection on past inventors and thoughts on future ones
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Appendices
      • Introduction to the Evolution and Key Figures in Computing
      • Timeline of major inventions and computers
      • Biographical sketches of key figures mentioned
      • Glossary of technical terms used in the book
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Index
      • Introduction to the History of Computer Science
      • An alphabetical listing of topics, names, and subjects for reference
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • Acknowledgments
      • Introduction to Acknowledgments in the History of Computing
      • Thanking contributors, historians, and experts who assisted with the book
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading
    • About the Author
      • Introduction to the Journey of a Computer Science History Expert
      • Brief biography of the author and credentials as a computer science historian
      • Case Study (Fictional)
      • Chapter Summary
      • Further Reading

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