Hands-On Visual Studio 2022 - Second Edition
Hands-On Visual Studio 2022 - Second Edition
A developer's guide to new features and best practices with .NET 8 and VS 2022 for maximum productivity
About the Book
Visual Studio 2022 is widely recognized as the best IDE for application development across various domains. This book is a comprehensive guide for both beginners and experienced .NET developers who wish to familiarize themselves with its basic, advanced, and new features.
This book is divided into three sections: the first is an overview of Visual Studio, the second part explores tools for productivity within the IDE, and the third delves into integration with GitHub and Visual Studio extensions.
In this second edition, we’ve also expanded the chapters on the use of Visual Studio to environments beyond web development, such as Azure, Desktop, .NET MAUI, and others. Updates to the IDE introduced since the release year of the first edition of the book in 2022 have also been included, such as the use of GPT-based extensions like GitHub Copilot and GitHub Copilot Chat, as well as profiling tools.
The book reviews breakpoint groups, a new way to configure breakpoints, as well as tools for web development, such as Browser Link, Dev Tunnels, and Web API Endpoints Explorer. For more advanced developers, the book addresses the topic of developing extensions through the use of the new Visual Studio SDK. By the end of this book, you’ll have a better understanding of Visual Studio 2022 and how to use it to its fullest potential.
Table of Contents
- Getting Started with Visual Studio 2022
- Creating Projects and Templates
- Debugging and Profiling Your Apps
- Adding Code Snippets
- Coding Efficiently with AI and Code Views
- Using Tools for Frontend and Backend Development
- Styling and Cleanup Tools
- Publishing Projects
- Implementing Git Integration
- Sharing Code with Live Share
- Working with Extensions in Visual Studio
- Using Popular Extensions
- Learning Keyboard Shortcuts
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