Hands-On Ethical Hacking Tactics
Hands-On Ethical Hacking Tactics
Strategies, tools, and techniques for effective cyber defense
About the Book
If you’re an ethical hacker looking to boost your digital defenses and stay up to date with the evolving cybersecurity landscape, then this book is for you. Hands-On Ethical Hacking Tactics is a comprehensive guide that will take you from fundamental to advanced levels of ethical hacking, offering insights into both offensive and defensive techniques. Written by a seasoned professional with 20+ years of experience, this book covers attack tools, methodologies, and procedures, helping you enhance your skills in securing and defending networks. The book starts with foundational concepts such as footprinting, reconnaissance, scanning, enumeration, vulnerability assessment, and threat modeling. Next, you’ll progress to using specific tools and procedures for hacking Windows, Unix, web servers, applications, and databases. The book also gets you up to speed with malware analysis. Throughout the book, you’ll experience a smooth transition from theoretical concepts to hands-on techniques using various platforms. Finally, you’ll explore incident response, threat hunting, social engineering, IoT hacking, and cloud exploitation, which will help you address the complex aspects of ethical hacking. By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the skills you need to navigate the ever-changing world of cybersecurity.
Table of Contents
- Ethical Hacking Concepts
- Ethical Hacking Footprinting and Reconnaissance
- Ethical Hacking Scanning and Enumeration
- Ethical Hacking Vulnerability Assessment and Threat Modeling
- Hacking the Windows Operating System
- Hacking the Linux Operating System
- Ethical Hacking of Web Servers
- Hacking Databases
- Ethical Hacking Protocol Review
- Ethical Hacking for Malware Analysis
- Incident Response and Threat Hunting
- Social Engineering
- Ethical Hacking of the Internet of Things (IoT)
- Ethical Hacking in the Cloud
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